Hi Everyone


New Member
My names Jeff and I've been fish keeping for 5 yrs now.
I started out with a 10gal keeping a few Rhombo barbs and then moved up to larger tanks, African cichlids, SA cichlids and then Piranhas.
From 10gal to my current 220gal with a Jardini, after multiple tanks along the way.

I am verry passionate about the hobby, to say that I love keeping fish is an understatement. One thing that I love about it is that you're always learning.
I am really looking forward to sharing my experiences with you all
and learning more and more about the hobby and different types of setups.

Welcome Jeff!...good to see another hobbyist in Ontario...

One thing you will find in here is no one is better then the other in this hobby and that everyone tries to help one another....so please do not hesitate to ask and learn as we do that here all the time...
Welcome homie! Glad you finally joined, this is a great place to understand more about the world of arowana.
Thanks again! Hopefully one day I'll graduate up to a SR or better

That won't be a problem to get to a SR or RTG or anything else since you're here....the vendors here with their group buys will make it easier!
I had an Rtg about a year ago that I purchased from Dragon.
It was from PT. Dinamika Kapuas but it mysteriously died after a month.

I have since upgraded my filtration on my 220gal to an Fx5 and 2 2217's.
Only problem is that I cant really afford anything other than my Jar for now but I'm saving my pennies so maybe next year. I am weary about losing another $400+ fish but they are def worth the risk