how does Cv Maju (bbxb and SR) stack up to the rest or turn out? Opinions wanted :)


New Member
Hey guys,
Ive got a quick one for you....
Back in the day it was dragonfish industry that ruled the market up here in edmonton, then there were a few indo's then panda stepped up....
Ive had a few from each but now it seems the main market atleast in edmonton is all Cv Maju LOL
I understand its up to the fish as much as its up to the farm Im just wondering what the general concensus is with them?
My cv rtg's turned out very classic and dark with great deep gold once they hit 12" but i do spoil them and they Love thier pink floys and DD nanny :) and now i have a little 8" bbxb and am looking into an Sr or two..... Now the questions start :)
Ive searched the forum for pics of recent bbxb and red development and there are a few but its mostly the goldenheads and absolutes (diffrent farm) I understand you get what you pay for and those fish are all super amazing and that leads me to the "what am I going to be stuck with" question now
How do you guys feel about them?
Anyone have pics they can post of cv bbxb and reds 8-12" and larger?
How many of them actually cross and at what size?
I know its all relative but examples do help :)
There are quite a few forum members who should be able to provide photos. The first batches of those BBXB's came in the summer of 2009, so they should be getting to a decent size by now.

I know there are quite a few nice Maju SR's about.

Meanwhile, I will ask Maju if they can snap some photos of the BBXB brooders. In fact, I'll ask if he can get some photos of the harvest of the brooders. :)
Here is the first order of maju red that Theo bring in. This is a 6 months ago about 10" in size.

no flash

with over head flash

There is just white light that I am using.
Awesome guys, Thanks for the Imput.... Im not trying to throw stones or cause any waves...... Just want to know if i should keep going the way im going or hold off a while and blow it all on one fish :) Its been a tight year lol
I saw an absolutely stunning 70% GH near Vancouver the other day, from Shineaquatics. If you want that kind of bling and have the budget, I'd recommend it for sure. They are separate categories of fish, that is all there is to it. As for Maju SR, they offer awesome value for the price and stand up to any of the competition in my opinion :) (Nice SR by the way David!)
Ohh for sure i get that :)
I just wanted to test the waters and see how many maju's pan out aswell.... Davids SR for example :) wow
I'd agree with Theo. IMO, Maju SR offer the best bang for your buck in terms of quality vs. price.

I recently brought in a larger Maju BBXB (12 inches). Still young, but the colour development is as impressive for the price as any standard Maju SR I've imported. Check him out - [ame=""]YouTube - Flyfish Import & Export - CV Maju Blue Base Cross Back Arowana[/ame]

Note: This fish is already sold :D

It's interesting that you point out the flood of Maju out in Edmonton. I've not yet experienced that out here.
I fired off an email 24 hours ago, just got the following reply and attached photos:

Good day,

Please see the attachment file for BBXB my blood stock pictures.

I will send another pictures of BBXB soon.

Thank you and best regards,

*note: two photos are too big to upload, will have to resize on my other computer later and upload then.


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I have 2 CV, but i still like my shellook or i-long reds over CV anyday

I agree that SheLooks are awesome. I used to hope that CV Maju were the same as SheLooks, but quality Shelooks have a slightly different "look". I think they might be screened by sorters looking for certain qualities (long body, less spoony stand out to me as Shelook features). When comparing your Majus to them Nathan, remember that although the Majus you got were larger fish, they were not premium larger fish. But then large premiums would cost double, so all depends on what you want and are willing to pay.
here is vid of cv maju sr may 25, 2010 cert date i bought off member on this site........eating hikari gold pellets only

Thats a great looking fish :) If thats parents then i guess its more a waiting game as far as bang for the buck
I wonder what they smaller guys look like over there? like the ones that head to japan right off the bat.... would the possibly be the same brood and just developed more at the picking stage??
Thanks cirrus

I fired off an email 24 hours ago, just got the following reply and attached photos:

*note: two photos are too big to upload, will have to resize on my other computer later and upload then.
maju offers a great fish at a great price, I am keeping a Maju SR myself
its almost a year old so Ill post some pics soon
Well i gotta say.... every time i stop for a second and look at the rtg's i have the gold krept to a new scale...... Im very impressed with em indeed
I was just looking for some feedback on the older orders that are floating around
There are two paths to purchase AROs, expensive, and cost effective. Some sellers (farms other than Maju) maintain current stock to choose from. You pay a premium for the choice. Group orders organized by Dragonfish representatives provide little to no choice. However the consistency of the Maju product is high such that some of the examples that you have seen posted are the most likely out come of the quality.

Some may take a little longer to get to the color stage of David's but at least you know of the potential.

Mel, I had a nice 11 inch Maju SR with spoonhead features, started showing pink on the gills and scale edges. I sold it to a body shop owner, he has a display tank in his reception area. PM me I'll give you his address. I also have a couple from the May order you can drop by any time to look.
Regarding the "Flood" of Maju in Edmonton/Alberta

Two years ago the market in Alberta began to emerge. Several players got into the game at the same time. It turned into an ugly situation of under-cutting of prices, ARO's were going for almost cost. Surprisingly this affected pricing across the country. I'm sure many on this forum remember one single order of 31 ARO's to Edmonton.

Then there was the issue of the Maju BBXB shipment earlier this year, some buyers were led to believe that these were of the Gold base variety. They weren't, they were blue base, and they came in at small size. Sellers in Edmonton panicked, thus you started seeing sales in the For Sale area for xb's below cost.

We are slowly seeing the end of this "Flooded" market here. With the new dragonfish model we hope to bring to our customers a more stable market. Constantly looking for quality/price of ARO's.
There are two paths to purchase AROs, expensive, and cost effective. Some sellers (farms other than Maju) maintain current stock to choose from. You pay a premium for the choice. Group orders organized by Dragonfish representatives provide little to no choice. However the consistency of the Maju product is high such that some of the examples that you have seen posted are the most likely out come of the quality.

Some may take a little longer to get to the color stage of David's but at least you know of the potential.

Mel, I had a nice 11 inch Maju SR with spoonhead features, started showing pink on the gills and scale edges. I sold it to a body shop owner, he has a display tank in his reception area. PM me I'll give you his address. I also have a couple from the May order you can drop by any time to look.

In general your description of the purchase model is correct, with one exception; if you are looking for a larger red, a Premium Super Red, or a Show Quality Red, then photos and video of the exact fish you get can be provided.

Example of a fish purchased on basis of video provided by CV Maju:

By now you should know me. I'm not one to have any money problems.
If i like or want something I'll buy.
I know maju and shelooks the looks are different, but for color wise I prefer shelooks. Eken has eyes on look at my stocks in Montreal.
I agree that SheLooks are awesome. I used to hope that CV Maju were the same as SheLooks, but quality Shelooks have a slightly different "look". I think they might be screened by sorters looking for certain qualities (long body, less spoony stand out to me as Shelook features). When comparing your Majus to them Nathan, remember that although the Majus you got were larger fish, they were not premium larger fish. But then large premiums would cost double, so all depends on what you want and are willing to pay.