indo datnoids


New Member
does anyone have experience with indos ?
im picking up a 3 bar and a traditional 4 bar indo soon when tank is complete
but heard that they can be very very unstable.
too bad ST's arent available , could only fool myself with a 3 bar indo
havent seen a lot of you guys keep indos.
just wondering what you guys think .
depends on the tank setup and what fish your keeping the indo tiger with. my experience with indo is that they have to feel comfortable. when i kept my indo with bigger fish, they just hide and turn dark.
i keep indos alone, so far they are good, not as shy as if you keep them with other larger fish. they tend to hide off alot but when they are comfortable they will swim out more often, just remember to provide a lot of hiding spots as they tend to turn their aggression on themselves.
My indo's have great personalities. They do take a while to come out of their shell. Provide some good hiding spaces; they love driftwood. I haven't kept them with any other larger mid-upper water fish, but they have been in with several baryancistus species, many of which are quite aggressive, and done fine. Patience is the key with these fish, as they grow painfully slow.