lapradei bichir


New Member
since I won't be able to get my money back from Ted and it hurts by looking at it

I am selling it...

15" WC lapradei bichir

$100 obo

welcome fish trade too



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Alex ,you visited Ted's house to view his ST and then got all crazy over his polys.You offered to buy one and he said' they worn't for sale' .You took pictures and when you got home called me up and made me an offer.You then called me and asked to view the fish since you said you had done much research on the fish and definately wanted it.
Then after an hour or so you decided to buy it, and then after a couple days later you call and ask to return it for your personal reasons.
Then when i refuse to take it back you try to destroy my name. Are you ok?

Because you said it's a PBB, and it turned out to be a lapradei, that's a false sale!

I trusted your words as I will trust others (vendors and hobbists) in believing that I will get the correct species!

I don't like wasting money on things that I am not looking for.

You sold me a wrong fish, and all I wanted is a refund, and you wouldn't give it to me, of course I will go EMO on it :eek:

NEXT TIME, IF your not certain, then say your not certain, and don't tell me it is 100% PBB when it is not. I had high hope for a PBB! not a lapradei!

If you told me that your 99% sure that this fish is a PBB, I wouldn't be this upset, because people do make mistake. BUT... I remember you stated this is 100% true PBB! ....

If I sold you a L52 pleco stating it as a L46 + L46 price, would you freak out if I don't give you a refund?

These are the latest pic with his wild color




It is clearly a WC Nigeria Lapradei and not a PBB >.<"
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I can totally understand how you must feel seeing as I was sold a fish recently that turned out to be something else. If the seller admits that he gave you the wrong one then I think the onus is on the seller to rectify things. I also understand from the seller perspective that there should be a certain amount of due dili on the part of the buyer to do their homework; on the other hand, if you both agree it is an honest mistake then perhaps come to a compromise? Perhaps a restocking fee of some sort tacked off the purchase price/refund?

Of course he doesn't have to follow through since it's a fellow hobbyist and Fishy you're doing well to move on and take ur losses. Sure you both can come to a reasonable compromise.

Btw nice fish! (sorry i know i'm sticking my head in where it don't belong so feel free to flame me back)
When i bought them i was told that they were nile polys and i paid a hefty price for them.Its some three years ago so maybe i should return them right ?duh. Oh and by the way i never advertised my fish for sale.I only made the mistake to sell to you who i understand ;has this constant BAD harbit of buying fish to resell to friends and when they change their minds , then you're stock with it and then expect to return and be refunded.
This is not about what I do with it, or requesting a refund with a fish that's stuck in my hand.

It is about you made a mistake and you won't admit it!

I don't care if you got this as a PBB or a Platnium Endli , the truth is, it is not a PBB!!!

*I EXPECT A REFUND BECAUSE YOU SOLD ME THE WRONG FISH! (I hate repeating myself over and over)

I am not making anything up either, go ask any bichir experts in this world, what does the picture looks like? (we can even discuss this in arofanatic too)

240 is nothing to me, I will just take the lost, but all I know is that your too ashame to admit your mistake >.<" pffttt...
This is not about what I do with it, or requesting a refund with a fish that's stuck in my hand.

It is about you made a mistake and you won't admit it!

I don't care if you got this as a PBB or a Platnium Endli , the truth is, it is not a PBB!!!

*I EXPECT A REFUND BECAUSE YOU SOLD ME THE WRONG FISH! (I hate repeating myself over and over)

I am not making anything up either, go ask any bichir experts in this world, what does the picture looks like? (we can even discuss this in arofanatic too)

240 is nothing to me, I will just take the lost, but all I know is that your too ashame to admit your mistake >.<" pffttt...

If $240.00 is nothing to you. How about selling it to me for $50.00, for good old Vince:D or maybe a chirstmas gife FREEEEEE
at the end of the day both parties needs to take responsibilities in this....a compromised would have been good since the seller sold something that wasn't what the buyer thought it was and the buyer bought something that he did no do sufficient research on...just saying......

$250 or's still hard earn money.

ie....I'd want to know if I was buying a BD and Not a Leo for the price...I'd want to know I'm buying a Henlei and not a Motoro....know what you are buying before buying and it not having to find out from others after the fact.

Seller....know what you are selling before selling it even if you were not planning on selling it on the first place. If you sell, be sure to sell the proper's only right and will only cause you grief like it has....

just sayin.....
Maybe if Uncle Chen gives out few Arowana frys as parting gifts to both parties......everyone will be happy again, and have a community hug!

just sayin................
Uncle Chen has given out enough freebies via his fire sales to make a lot of happy people! Lo.

You kill me:D

That funniest thing you ever said!:eek:

Good come back!

funny stuff!

Ps. any fire sale coming up? LOL
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I am waiting for his CT fire sale :P It would make me VERY Happy! :D

I'm closer to Chen.....maybe we gonna have a race to his door! LOL

Maybe Ted be interested in him too........we don't want any fireworks at Chens place!

Fireworks are reserved for Aro Frys and Chen being a new grandpa!

Oh, by the way......did Big Als exchange your dead mollie?
I have been there, I once bought a L27 goldline for around $500 and it turned out to be a L190. I got it ID and everything on planet catfish and the seller still wouldn't do anything. Even though I probably spent thousands before on this seller. My fault for trusting and not doing more homework.

My advice, learn your lesson and just move on. No point in wasting your energy.
. There is abit more to the story ,however i fully agree with you Chen. Trust me, honourable people don't go that way.
. There is abit more to the story ,however i fully agree with you Chen. Trust me, honourable people don't go that way.

no more to the story, I told you after the first 3 days, the fish isn't what you think it is...

Your overly confidence and said, Do you believe me or your friends? AND YES it is a PBB, that's what really pissed me off...

I started going viral in the internet after he refused the truth + a refund... just like a snowball rolling off the hill...

I am sorry that we have to go thru all these, and I ranted like a little kid, but at the end of the day, your not as honorable as other hobbists said you were... :(

Anyway, I still got the wrong fish, :o and your comments are just as bad as mine :eek:

and chen, flagtail thank you for tagging along, and stop wasting your breath on Ted, he won't refund it... He's an ***! #@$#@%!#@

time to move on for me! :)
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