Lets Try Again. POTM!


Super Moderator
I finally have internet at my house so I can hound people alittle better than before about getting pictures

Same rules as before:
Here are a few guide lines and rules for the contest:

1. You must be a forum member to enter the contest.

2. The picture you submit must be your own. If there is any question of authenticity the picture will not be entered.

3. You may only submit 1 picture per contest.

4. Each picture that is taken is limited to one contest.

5. Failure to comply with contest rules will result in a disqualification.

6. All pictures are to be submitted to timlikesfish@hotmail.com please include your forum name so I know who you are

7. Pictures can be submitted until Dec 14 and voting will take place Dec 15 till the end of the month.

8. Rules and guide lines are subject to change as per staff discretion

Prize for the this month will be a copy of INDODRAGON 4 which was donated by Dragonfish Canada


Does the picture have to be of an arowana?
My red does not like the camera... usually freaks out when I pull it out and start following it.
Up to five people now :)

A few people have told me they have Indodragon4 so I've decided that if you don't want the book I can put a large bag of Hikari pellets (your choice on type of pellet) :D

I still want more submissions though :p

How will the winner be chosen? Can forum members vote for their favourite or do you get all of the fun? Can we see the entrants pictures? ;)
How will the winner be chosen? Can forum members vote for their favourite or do you get all of the fun? Can we see the entrants pictures? ;)

Once the deadline comes I post poll and everyone can vote for which ever they like. You can see the pictures in a few days

Cool! I look forward to seeing them! The few pictures I took suck so it will be nice to see what real pictures are supposed to look like.