It would appear that after I went into his shop and expressed my discontent the seller tooka few days to consider my words and is offering me a straight up trade for a different xback. I'm heading to the shop in the next day or two to check out the other xback.
It would appear that staying calm and respectful in these situations helps a lot. It also helps that I am a repeat customer.
I will update this thread after I've seen the other xb. I honestly don't think he was ripping me off, I think he was selling a premium aro based on his broker's word and reputation.
I've also been doing a lot of reading on arofanatics, and I see more posts where guys are very concerned farms are mixing in low quality xbs with premium xb batches. If this is true, it's avery disturbing trend and can only hurt the industry.
It would appear that staying calm and respectful in these situations helps a lot. It also helps that I am a repeat customer.

I will update this thread after I've seen the other xb. I honestly don't think he was ripping me off, I think he was selling a premium aro based on his broker's word and reputation.
I've also been doing a lot of reading on arofanatics, and I see more posts where guys are very concerned farms are mixing in low quality xbs with premium xb batches. If this is true, it's avery disturbing trend and can only hurt the industry.