Maju XB's available

Since other stores are publishing prices, I guess it is okay to do the same here. Price for these fish is $1000 each anywhere in Canada. This price INCLUDES all taxes and shipping by Westjet.
He's got 31 of them right now. Discounts if orders can be placed for 5-6 fish since that is how many come in a standard shipping box.
If anyone wants to jump on a group order to Ontario, we could save a bundle if we bring in 5 or more fish. So far there's interest for two fish. We need 3-4 more to get the discount.

PM or email [email protected]
Ok Mike, will do.

We must act fast everyone, Maju is pressuring me to commit. He has other buyers in Asia interested I am sure.

Let me know asap if you want one.
Yes, these fish are an awesome deal. Best quality for the price anywhere in Canada to my knowledge.

The order is now ready to be placed. There are a couple people out there looking for higher end single fish, please decide in next 48-72 hours.

Also, I have some photos to publish of the larger sized aros for sale, and also need to email out some receipts for deposits taken. My regular office computer and scanner are acting up, so please bear with me on that end, should have it attended to by weekend.