Moving with my fishes


New Member
How do I prepare to move my fishes, including my BBXB. I going in my new house in a couple of months, just wanted to know how I should prepare???
still small, about 10". by then it should be around 12-13" in length:D, maybe even bigger if he keeps eating that way
I would suggested lowering the water, a lot of it that way you wouldnt risk it jumping out when the lid first open and you try to bag it.. Least 2 layer of bag. Put it in a syrofoam box.
We use a sock net to move aros, of any size. I moved 2 30" ones today with it. Its a net thats goes around the aro, and has a hole at one end. You close up the hole with your hand, then when you want to put in bag or tank you release your hand, and fish slides out head first!
I would never use net for big aros around 12"+ You have a chance of damaging the barbels. Once the barbel is damage it may not grow back or it will grow back but not perfect. Not only that it will damage the barbels, some scales will fly away. They become very splashy once they are caught in the net. I use two layer of plastic bag and put them in the tank sideways for the aro to get in. I use my hand to guide them. They also not stress once inside the bag. If the bag is heavy you better call someone to help you or you will drop the bag.

Good luck!
don't feed for 2-4 days before so it will be calmer/ less energy. Then try to use a wet towel to move it to your transport bin (like a hammock). I've seen this done for large fish on MFK.
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don't feed for 2-4 days before so it will be calmer/ less energy. Then try to use a wet towel to move it to your transport bin (like a hammock). I've seen this done for large fish on MFK.

any method that actually touches the aros body is not good because it ruins the slime coat. i think the best way is still a big big. overall, less stress for the fish since it doesnt have to be grabbed or have to be out of the water even for 2 secs.