So I blame Mike for rekindling my passion for corals
I just don't have the space in my new place to keep the aro's and rays that I'm used to, so a nano-reef is a perfect fit. I used to keep a pretty large reef system back in the day, but nano-reef's pose a unique challenge. Water quality, rockscaping and lighting are all super important. Here's what I've got set up so far:
Tank: JBJ 24 gallon nano cube
Filtration: All natural filtration (live rock + live sand), Koralia 240 + stock JBJ pump
Lighting: I have a 16000K programmable Maxspect nano razr LED on the way. Until then, I'm running a 15 W PAR38 LED bulb.
Clean up crew: Astrea snails X 3, Nassarius snal X 1
Corals: Assorted zoa frags, assorted acans, favia, green star polyps, several different ricordeas
As the tank matures, I plan on adding a nice pink birdsnest and some montipora's. Not sure if I want to add any fish, but if so it won't be for some time. More updates to come!

I just don't have the space in my new place to keep the aro's and rays that I'm used to, so a nano-reef is a perfect fit. I used to keep a pretty large reef system back in the day, but nano-reef's pose a unique challenge. Water quality, rockscaping and lighting are all super important. Here's what I've got set up so far:
Tank: JBJ 24 gallon nano cube
Filtration: All natural filtration (live rock + live sand), Koralia 240 + stock JBJ pump
Lighting: I have a 16000K programmable Maxspect nano razr LED on the way. Until then, I'm running a 15 W PAR38 LED bulb.
Clean up crew: Astrea snails X 3, Nassarius snal X 1
Corals: Assorted zoa frags, assorted acans, favia, green star polyps, several different ricordeas
As the tank matures, I plan on adding a nice pink birdsnest and some montipora's. Not sure if I want to add any fish, but if so it won't be for some time. More updates to come!
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