My 240


I was of course avoiding studying tonight. So I took some pictures!

Red Hook Myleus – Extremely hard fish to photograph

Geophagus Dicrozoster

Indo dat


240 FTS

Stock list is as follows:

- 1.1 Hoplarchus Psittacus
- 3 x Indo Dats
- 5 x Red Hooked Myleus
- 1 x Synodontis sp. Mbanbaka
- 2 x Trachycorystes Trachycorystes (One pied, one normal)
- 6 x Geophagus Dicrozoster
- 1 x Liosomodoras oncinus
- 1 x Trachelyopterus taeniatus
- 1 x Heros sp. Rotkeil

My goliath tiger, some Polypterus Delhezi and a small group of Geophagus Abalios will be joining them soon!

Hope you enjoy.

Justin Morash
Thanks guys!

It once was only pikes, geos, satanoperca and panda uaru. To accommodate so many shy fish I had way more drift wood as decor. Lot's of floating stumps with long roots hanging off of them, but the plecos I had destroyed them and made a mess of the tank so I cut it back a lot. I like it much better the way I have it now, and it accommodates the larger fish that I have in there now.

I usually only use a few reptile dome lights with normal house hold bulbs in them. It gives the tank a really cool natural look, and the more shy fish like the Hoplarchus and catfish tend to come out in the low light more than they do in the bright lighting.

For these pictures I just took my double bulb 4' T5 unit off the snakeheads tank and set it up on this. Once I sell the Hoplarchus I'm going to look at getting some better lights.
Thanks guys I appreciate the comments!

Mike - The driftwood just floats like that. I pick all my driftwood up off the beach. Just the stuff that has been stripped by the wind and surf and bleached by the sun. PS - Do you recognize one of the dats in there?
Thanks! I actually do get the comments about the dats. I find they clash a bit with the Hoplarchus and red head severum. I orginally wanted to kept the dats with the barca, but they fought too much. It wasn't a battle I wanted to risk.

I think when I can move the Hoplarchus and severum into their own tank the dats will fit in better. I plan on throwing in a pair of bosemani rays, some black bar dollars, a couple more dats and maybe an aro in there, so hopefully it'll look better with that mix of fish haha.