My Bukit Merah BBXB


New Member
I thought it's about time I share some pics of my aro since I was taking pics for stuff I was selling.
Some pics turned out blurry, I was using a point and shoot camera.
This Bukit Merah BBXB was one of Sam's stock from Gold Garden in Markham.
I still think he has some of the best aros around the GTA.
Let me know if I need to resize the pics.





Awesome looking BBXB. I love the dark base colour.

Thanks! :D Would love to try some frogs next time there's a group order.

long barbels on this fellow!

That's actually one of the main reasons that I chose this one over a few of the others. The barbels are so long and defined.

It actually lost some scales because a divider fell at the store one time and there was a UFC match between my aro and a 24K XB. lol
Dee, I'm putting in an order with Maju in September. I'll msg you before I place the order to see how many frogs you want.