Not sure where to place this so mods please move accordingly, but last night my NAN light bulb died out. I need to know where to buy just the replacement bulb for it. It is a 48". Any help will be great. Thanks
How long did you use it? Did anyone from this forum sold it to you? Exactly like this type? ( )
For replacement lamp, I did ask about it when I was trying to get the Nan Lights. It would be very costly to order 1 or 2 replacement lamp. I can find a price but not for a single replacement lamp.
If I were you, I would try to compare the price of brand new nan light Vs a replacement lamp. Don't be surprised that the difference won't be a lot.
Yea thats the one I have. Someone told me there is nothing fancy about the bulb and to just find a pink bulb
Are you from USA?