Need expert advice PLJ on this Aro.


New Member
I need some expert on PLJ judge for this Aro that I just got from Panda, and its a cross back. From my experience and this is just my guessing and something I wish I get it wrong. The Aro look to me that it will get PLJ within a few months. I do include pictures. As you can see the lower jaw is higher then the upper jaw and this will cause the fish to get PLJ in the future, or this is something normal that all high end fish have, because my PGS have a better lower jaw then this guy.





here is the pic of the PGS and you can see the different.
Already has PLJ, the question is will it get worst? Bulking him up could help reduce the look, and possibly eliminate it. This is a trait not common in high grade aro's. Hope it gets better.;)
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Based on the top photos, I have to agree with Boydo.

I just sent an email to Panda asking for a response. I have never groomed a fish with potential PLJ and so can not give personal advice on how to treat the issue.

On related note: you can see a bunch of photos of the Gold XB I drew by lot yesterday. The fish was photographed outside right after arrival as well as in the tank (bottom photos). The photos in the middle are of a bunch of PG's and PGS's.
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Boydo just took the words from my mouth ...:o

Pump him up and he will end up with a tick lips... :)

Look at many High Grade of XB or SR in your INDO DRAGON BOOK .

You will see, its's almost normal now to have a little bit of PLJ. As long as its's not so bad.... :)
yeah but this one is starting at this state so I fear it get worst if this is PLJ. I thought pump it up then the fat will make PLJ even worst. I love this fish.
Well, I went straight to the source with the question and got the following reply:

These fish were personally selected by me and they certainly are not PLJs.In fact they have the potential of nice scissor-mouths (check Joseph's article about the grooming of a Panda Red). No issue here.

This sets my mind at ease, since if you look at the photos of my XB too, you will note a somewhat similar mouth structure.

On a happy note, my fish ate its first prawn this morning; I did a 15% water change last night, so maybe that stimulated its appetite?

Is your fish eating yet David?
Look like PLJ to me. and at that young age it will just get worse. ONe of my Panda SR looks the same (jaw) when I got it, now after about 6 months it's a lot worse. I just look at it as being "UNIQUE" rather than "has defects":D
Well, I went straight to the source with the question and got the following reply:

This sets my mind at ease, since if you look at the photos of my XB too, you will note a somewhat similar mouth structure.

On a happy note, my fish ate its first prawn this morning; I did a 15% water change last night, so maybe that stimulated its appetite?

Is your fish eating yet David?

Sounds like someone is getting there leg pulled! Scissor-mouths......Hmmmmmmm :rolleyes:.
I decided to move this thread here since it concerns one fish that arrived in the April group buy.

I encourage people to continue sharing opinions on the PLJ issue and providing relevant advice. :)
I need some expert on PLJ judge for this Aro that I just got from Panda, and its a cross back. From my experience and this is just my guessing and something I wish I get it wrong. The Aro look to me that it will get PLJ within a few months. I do include pictures. As you can see the lower jaw is higher then the upper jaw and this will cause the fish to get PLJ in the future, or this is something normal that all high end fish have, because my PGS have a better lower jaw then this guy.

It is PLJ. When people say to pump the fish up to help the PLJ, it is not really to cure the PLJ, but rather because the PLJ is less noticeable on a fat fish. I find that PLJ looks less disturbing (:rolleyes:) on a spoonhead fish.

There is a guy on that does fish cosmetics, Ark I believe. One of his "cures" for the PLJ is to sand down the lip (manicure-style) to make it less noticeable...
Look like PLJ to me. and at that young age it will just get worse. ONe of my Panda SR looks the same (jaw) when I got it, now after about 6 months it's a lot worse. I just look at it as being "UNIQUE" rather than "has defects":D

can you post your Panda SR pics so I can see how its look like.
The 2 small panda SR are in a cage inside my big fishtank. Its a funny setup, until they get a little bigger to be released with the bigger RTG's. Can't really get a good shot of the SR, as soon as I step infront of the cage the RTG's comes swimming infront blocking the SR. Anyway here's the best one that I got. The cage is blocking the rest of the lower jaw, but you should get an idea.

PLJ is common in SR's and less on golds. So in a way PLJ are more acceptable in SR's. PLJ develops as the aro ages, younger aro that doesn't show any signs of PLJ may still develop it as it ages but one who already has it at a young age will be "special: :D"
Well I got respond from panda Mr. Kan himself that the fish will stay with me for 3 months and if its prove him wrong then I get to have new fish. This is a very interesting topic how fish keeper and farm owner think and judge about 1 fish. In my case I hope everyone is wrong and Panda is right :). I will get this update so everyone can see how the fish develop and how good Mr. Kan judgment is. Time to eat baby.
PLJ is common in SR's and less on golds. So in a way PLJ are more acceptable in SR's. PLJ develops as the aro ages, younger aro that doesn't show any signs of PLJ may still develop it as it ages but one who already has it at a young age will be "special: :D"

your SR look like its in underwater prison :). Well I want him to be special just in a good way not bad way though. It still not eating yet.
arl, you mind posting some pictures of your Panda SR? Sorta curious to see what you mean by "a lot worse". Thanks :)