Need expert advice PLJ on this Aro.

Ah...didn't see the second page in this thread. Sorry :) Ha, laughed at the underwater prison comment, was thinking the same thing :P
Finally mine is eating after 5 days in the tank. Taking 2 king worms today after I yell at him for not eating :), seriously I did yell before feeding it today. Seem like its listen. Time to pump this guy up and see what happen. Haven't try pellet yet maybe I should so no training for me. (LUCK IS NOT ON MY SIDE YET) but I try.

ARL release the RED from its cage :). His due date is over, you can't accuse him for haven't a PLJ and lock him up.
Glad to hear he is eating David. Mine is eating MP and SW pretty well now. For a few days I had him alone in his 150 gallon but he seemed scared. Now I've added my FF and NTT and he seems reassured. His appetite has gone up.

I am going to buy a bunch of SW and pump them with fish pellets before feeding them to the aro. Maybe you and I should go in on 500 or 1000 SW? I'll call you about it later.
ARL release the RED from its cage :). His due date is over, you can't accuse him for haven't a PLJ and lock him up.

Yeah my tank looks really bad right now with the two prison cages in there, but I really don't want to setup and maintain 2 additional tank for their grow out. I figure they will be out on parole in 2 months :D
My aro is not eating no more, after 4 sw like 4 days ago and it went on a hunger strike :(. Still freak out when I move close or have fast movement. Try cricket still no react. Water change ph check, seem fine just shy. ARRRRRRG
lower the water level so the aro wont freak out. when i get small aros, i fill the tank 50 % and have it in a smaller partition until its eating well. too much space will scare the fish and cause it not to eat properly.
lower the water level so the aro wont freak out. when i get small aros, i fill the tank 50 % and have it in a smaller partition until its eating well. too much space will scare the fish and cause it not to eat properly.

I have it in a 120G tank with over flow wet/dry filter, so I can't half fill the tank, I might have to figure out how to divide the tank instead of moving the fish to smaller tank. :(.
try some night crawler. I feed my aros with worms everytime they go on a strike and they seem to take them up all the time.
or try stay still in front of the tank for 10-15 min let the aro calm down then try to feed it.

PLJ or not its still your baby. Nothing is perfect, so dont look at the ugly side, but try to view its other features...
try some night crawler. I feed my aros with worms everytime they go on a strike and they seem to take them up all the time.
or try stay still in front of the tank for 10-15 min let the aro calm down then try to feed it.

PLJ or not its still your baby. Nothing is perfect, so dont look at the ugly side, but try to view its other features...

I get over with the PLJ, so it doesn't matter to me as long as its eating. Try to feed again and it is having 1 SW and 2 medium cricket, I drop it in and move away from the tank then it will eat. I have 4 empty bottles inside the tank so it can distract the aro and making the tank crowed.