New Black Rays


Super Moderator
WC Black Rays

WC black rays 2m (9" diameter) and 2f (9" and 7.5").....enjoy






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Super Moderator
They're like Spider Rays....swimming and up down the sides.....trying to ride the current...pretty cool to watch them take


Wow super nice leos! These are what I want to get!! Spottings look very nice. I hope ill be able to get something like yours sometime soon!


Super Moderator
too me to while and being picky that I am...I think I picked the base of the back..already very active climing glass and eating MP's!


Super Moderator
Thanks...going to be reducing the number of rays and also getting a VAT for the basement to house others. If anyone is interested in one of the black or tiger ray please PM me. The larger black Rays are Males.


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Thanks, and yes the ray's stinger did come with tubing....why? I would assume that all rays whether WC and or CB have tubing on their stingers or else they woudl puncture the bags....The only time I've seen them without the tubing is when I buy them from a private sale or sell them myself as I would transport them in a plast bin rather then in's woth the $5 for me to buy a plastic bin to move the Rays and or other larger fish and safer for them as well....



Super Moderator
they're fat already...were in quarantine in Brazil for 2 weeks and another 4-5days in Montreal. 2 out of the 4 were chasing after the MP's I fed them late yesterday afternoon considering they were new the tank.....but I don't think the feeding will be any concerns especially for this size of rays....extremely active all the time climbing the tanks and diving off into the tank.....going for a surf I guess.....I wished I had a camera on them while at work...but have a video on my itouch to watch


Super Moderator
"IF" anyone is interested in buying one of my Leo's PM me. I'm going to be looking at selling one male and depending on the demands may consider a pair (M&F).....These are WC's from "Diamond Lake" in Brazil where all Black Diamonds are caught. They have markings like BD's, just not as much so they were not able to be sold as Black Diamonds which would fetch 5-6K each...(THAT's not what I would be selling at....a lot less then 50% of that of course!)