NEW build 540 gallon

I would agree with poured cement as i find a sand filter the only way to go with a big tank for first stage filtering it also means backwashing which means around 400+ galons to do so which means a big weight drop in your tank and alot of flexing in a wooden tank and makes it harder to seal. To do over I would do cement over wood for an easy maintenance tank but if I built a sump and didn't mind changing mechanical filtration then wood would be fine.

I have never used a sand filter. I would certainly want to keep things simple on the tank though, like i did with this one.

Conventional methods would be out of the question, so i suppose i would have to consider a sand filter. For bio, i would definitely be going with a fluidized bed. Or maybe a trickle tower.

How about using a shipping container? That is what Nico and Frank used in the Netherlands. Speaking of which, I notice that their old website is no longer in operation. :confused: This could mean they are out of the game so to speak. Here is an old article about a visit to their place:

That's really odd. Remember that contest we all entered with them a couple years ago i think it was? We all submitted videos.... That didnt go too far. I emailed to check on what was going on and heard nothing back. This would explain it.