nice stable tigers


New Member
I would like to buy a nice tiger that would hopefully be stable. Are the NTT ( thinbar) a better choice than an indo tiger?


Arowana blogger
I would like to buy a nice tiger that would hopefully be stable. Are the NTT ( thinbar) a better choice than an indo tiger?

I HOPE they are more stable! I have had IT before that were not stable and so thought what the hell, try them out. Plus I got them IN Thailand and they were IN season! I might be doing one LAST import direct from Indonesia soon. If I do, I might be able to get IT then, and if so will probablly get some...
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New Member
I would like to buy a nice tiger that would hopefully be stable. Are the NTT ( thinbar) a better choice than an indo tiger?

Yup they look exactly like the real ST but thiner bars. I think i like them better than IT's though... I have also seen IT's that look like ST's but very few in another forums. Hopefully i can get a 6"+ true ST soon or maybe after a couple of months when my coming aro will be 8" or so.;) i think true ST at around 6"+ cost 300 or more. I will ask more about this if the shipment is in place for the ST. :D


Super Moderator
Yup they look exactly like the real ST but thiner bars. I think i like them better than IT's though... I have also seen IT's that look like ST's but very few in another forums. Hopefully i can get a 6"+ true ST soon or maybe after a couple of months when my coming aro will be 8" or so.;) i think true ST at around 6"+ cost 300 or more. I will ask more about this if the shipment is in place for the ST. :D

Good luck finding a 6'' true ST bro...


New Member
i've been promised true ST smuggled over ti VietNam then shipped here but so far its just waiting and no ST yet or seen


New Member
Yes nathan i think that is where they are coming from. one guy told me that he can get any size st if he can get anough group order maybe couple dozen of 4-6inch ST. well the way he said it is very promissing. i told him to contact me if ever he can ship some in vancouver.


Arowana blogger
If you can get true ST, you will be very busy on receiving the money, doing the shipping etc etc.

It's too bad that the infrastructure in Cambodia is too poor to allow them to ship the fish. They have so little money there and could really use all the help (from selling fish) that they can get. Unfortunately, with the fish getting smuggled to Vietnam it is the smugglers who make the money, not to mention the big time traders who then ship to Japan. I bet the landed cost paid to the fishermen in Cambodia is not very high.

On a side note, I heard that they harvest 50,000 python snakes a day around the massive lake that forms in Cambodia every year during the rainy season. Most of the snakes are used to feed fish in aquaculture and also crocodiles in the crocodile farms.


New Member
It's too bad that the infrastructure in Cambodia is too poor to allow them to ship the fish. They have so little money there and could really use all the help (from selling fish) that they can get. Unfortunately, with the fish getting smuggled to Vietnam it is the smugglers who make the money, not to mention the big time traders who then ship to Japan. I bet the landed cost paid to the fishermen in Cambodia is not very high.

On a side note, I heard that they harvest 50,000 python snakes a day around the massive lake that forms in Cambodia every year during the rainy season. Most of the snakes are used to feed fish in aquaculture and also crocodiles in the crocodile farms.

Correct! True ST's come from Cambodia then smuggled in Vietnam.

About feeding snakes in crocodile farms.Philippines used stray dogs to feed the crocodiles. I guess there are too many stray dogs running around the streets.:confused:


Super Moderator
This thread is going into another direction, but I am too lazy to start another thread.

Talking about True STs, I have read that the real True STs are now extinct due to overfishing. Most Datnioide Pulchers that we find now are coming from Cambodia, and imho, should technically be called CT (Cambodian Tiger). Nowadays, most of the hobbyists call all the D. Pulchers STs, but technically, they don't come from Siam (the ancien name of Thailand).

But then again, we do call the Silver Datnoid "American Tiger" and they certainly don't come from America so... :rolleyes:

Here are some pictures of the real true Siamese Tiger, stolen from a magazine, stolen from

Notice the striking resemblance to NTTs, except for the fact that their stripe are wider...


  • thailand st.jpg
    thailand st.jpg
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  • thailand st live 2.jpg
    thailand st live 2.jpg
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New Member
Eken yes that is too daym sad to know. I would love to have one true ST. Well gotta wait for a while maybe in a few months when my aro grows a little bigger.


Arowana blogger
Everything I saw and heard recently agrees with what you say.

Notice the striking resemblance to NTTs, except for the fact that their stripe are wider...

Yes, and so the NTT's are my "consolation prize"; if ST/CT are not going to happen for me, I will be happy with these guys I think.


New Member
If the picture is a so called true ST then thats what i have :D

NTT are a very nice fish in their own right and should never be used as a 2nd best

i looked long and hard to find what i would class as a perfect NTT and love it just as much as my big ST

NGT and AT are all much the same with not much variation in stripe paturn

ST do seam to get aggresive towards aros as they get older and i feel if i just had 1 aro in my tank my large ST would have killed the aro by now as he snaps at aros every now and then when they chase each other

its a scary sound hearing a large ST snapping at a aro :(


New Member
If the picture is a so called true ST then thats what i have :D

NTT are a very nice fish in their own right and should never be used as a 2nd best

i looked long and hard to find what i would class as a perfect NTT and love it just as much as my big ST

NGT and AT are all much the same with not much variation in stripe paturn

ST do seam to get aggresive towards aros as they get older and i feel if i just had 1 aro in my tank my large ST would have killed the aro by now as he snaps at aros every now and then when they chase each other

its a scary sound hearing a large ST snapping at a aro :(

That is a scary thing to hear. I guess putting in different tigers with it makes it better for the aro. The biggest factor i guess is space? :)


New Member
My 5" NTT charges my 10" aro if the aro gets too close to his pvc cave. Otherwise, the NTT is a chicken and stays hidden unless the tank lights are off. He is eating well, though.


Arowana blogger
If the picture is a so called true ST then thats what i have :D

NTT are a very nice fish in their own right and should never be used as a 2nd best

i looked long and hard to find what i would class as a perfect NTT and love it just as much as my big ST

NGT and AT are all much the same with not much variation in stripe paturn

ST do seam to get aggresive towards aros as they get older and i feel if i just had 1 aro in my tank my large ST would have killed the aro by now as he snaps at aros every now and then when they chase each other

its a scary sound hearing a large ST snapping at a aro :(

I have quite the story when it comes to ST. My very first Asian aro was a Xien Leng RTG back in early 2002. Twas a nice fish, but it outgrew my 135 gallon tank (only 18 inches wide) and developed gill curl when about 16-17 inches. I did the operation, it healed fine, and then I decided to sell it. Yuppa (a mod on this forum) bought it off me for $500 and my choice out of a couple dozen baby wide bar ST's. I got a nice one and grew him up to a good 5 inches or so. (Meanwhile I later heard my old aro made it to the big time in Vegas, but that is another story :D ) One day the ST just stopped eating MP. We got into a battle of the wills that lasted for months. I eventually gave up and so looked around for someone to trade with. That led me to M_class (a mod on this forum too), who gave me 5 nice sized clown loaches. M_class added the ST to his big tank which had a young Blood Red SR and woke up the next day to find the ST had killed his very valuable aro. He was not happy. He then traded the ST back for the now four clown loaches (my motoro had eaten one) and I once again tried to get the ST to eat MP. Without much luck I decided to sell or trade him again when my then todler son smashed its 33 gallon tank while I was at work...I came home to find water everywhere and the ST getting by in about 2 inches of water while lying on its side! A quick phone call and the ST went off to one of M_class's friends, never to be seen by me again. I still wonder what happened to that guy and whether he ever made it to a nice full size.... :)