No power in Ontario.


Super Moderator
So major storms hit s here in Ontario. Powers out all over. Got home an hour ago, no power....glad my sump over flow worked so no flood from tank....problem is...... No power!

Guess what my e t big purchase is going to be! Sigh.....hope power comes on before fish starts floating.
Do you have any battery powered air pumps? You need to figure out a way to get some oxygenated water over your biomedia in your sump every so often if the outage lasts more than a few hours. I picked up some battery powered air pumps a while ago from a chain pet store.

Good to you Chen, and all the other keepers in the GTA. At least you guys don't need to worry about water temp crash.
Yeah, but batteries dead :(

I'm waiting for power to come on before bed so I can add some prime into the water from any crashes. It's been at least 3-4 hours so far
If you don't have a generator I would be borrowing one from someone or rent one.
I just added prime and didn't do a full water change as I have a auto-top off which dumps approx. 80gals every 24 hours so I think I"m good. I added some sacheam bacteria and prime back in...they seem fine this morning. I figure power outage for approx. 4-5 hours which isn't too bad. I'm going to grab a couple small Generators one for the fish tank and for for backup for heating the house if I need them...wife would not be pleased if I only get gen for fish
Good to hear everything went ok Chen!

I had power go out for 5-6 hours before with only a APC back up and it was fine.

Most important thing is keeping bacteria alive in your sump.
I just added prime and didn't do a full water change as I have a auto-top off which dumps approx. 80gals every 24 hours so I think I"m good. I added some sacheam bacteria and prime back in...they seem fine this morning. I figure power outage for approx. 4-5 hours which isn't too bad. I'm going to grab a couple small Generators one for the fish tank and for for backup for heating the house if I need them...wife would not be pleased if I only get gen for fish

your drip didn't turn off when power is out? I only use cold water drip so i had it auto off when power is out as I don't want to have freeze up temperature. My wife said the same thing about generator but I told her I only use one plug and the rest is for the house :)
your drip didn't turn off when power is out? I only use cold water drip so i had it auto off when power is out as I don't want to have freeze up temperature. My wife said the same thing about generator but I told her I only use one plug and the rest is for the house :)

no I didn't turn it off and it's only cold as well but with the temperature in the house being so hot i wasn't worried about the water turning too cold.

I think I might got the UPS for the tank...but will also get a gen set for the house...been always wanting to get one so now might be the time!.
eesh, everyone so freaked out about power outages. I live up north, I lose power many times a year, sometimes for a day or more at a time. NEVER have I had a problem with the fish. I use to freak out as well, theres no point. Everything will be fine so long as all your tanks were fine before the outage.

The bigger the tank the better, if you are on an auto top off system then you can prob. got for days and days without worry. Ive had over loaded tanks (300g) with sump no power for 3 days, and all is great. All the tanks in my fishroom have an auto top off, I dont even bother checking anything anymore when the power goes off. If its out for more then 12 hours I'll look at things and if a tank is looking bad for some reason I'll throw in a battery backup air pump.
Yeah Rich...I'm sure most can go for longer then the 4-6 hours power outtages!. Just hate to test it out with a small car worth of fish in one tank.. :-)
No way would my tanks last long without power let alone 12hrs. You would need a really understocked tank to do this!! I have a minimum of 5 stingrays in each tank and one has 6. Not to mention all my fish are BIG! I use a backup gas generator for now but someday I will get a Generac. Hopefully sooner then later.
For common fish and big tank is ok but for stingray no way it will last without oxygen that long. Calgary zoo lost a few ray awhile back when power is out if I remember correctly.
I had a 90 gallon tank in my garage one winter, with some big bass, large mouth, small mouth, perch and I cant remember what else, didnt even have a filter in it, only an air stone. These are dirty fish, I think people drastically under estimate what can be done. in 99% of the cases all you would need is a battery powered air stone and everything will be fine.

Yes if I had 10k worth of rays I would have a larger backup just in case, but still.