Pang Long Gold Head

i actually go into your post and copy that monsterfishkeeper link. i log into monsterfishkeepers and just paste the link in. seemed to have worked lol. try using photobucket to upload your pics. a lot easier!!!
dont worry about the fish, it will be okay. but i think you need to smoke 1 too chill out.

You know what....I think you might be right here... I think the GH is coming outta its shell today. He's whooping everybody's butt in the tank right now and showing much more aggression and energy than last week. THere's now a nice scar on my new fat clown loach. :D Is this the GH you remember Mike? :D
ok I just amde a Photo bucket account and this will be my test. Can everyone see the picture????
You know what....I think you might be right here... I think the GH is coming outta its shell today. He's whooping everybody's butt in the tank right now and showing much more aggression and energy than last week. THere's now a nice scar on my new fat clown loach. :D Is this the GH you remember Mike? :D

lol yup. just look at the old video of the GH and my prochi to see how beat up the ff was. i had to move the prochi into my buddys tank before it got killed haha

i see the pic now.
Oh man I tell yah this new clown loach is the fattest of the bunch I think its twice as fat as all my other clown loaches and I think he/she has taken the lead to become the leader of the pack cause I see all the loaches following the fat one all the time. Its definately the bravest loach right now cause all the other CL's scram and hide when the GH attacks but the fat one runs away jsut enough to come back and invade the GH's space again even swimming up touching the GH's tail. I hope no one gets hurt here in the future... Loaches are just too daring for their own good sometimes...

yes we see it! Now where's the GH!?!?! lol

Well my boss still needs to bring me his nice camera from home lol.... Sometime this week I'll get the camera and post some better pictures.
color is nice but need to fatten it up more. Still have the DE or is it gone now?

It hasn't been easy for him with the shipping and all of a sudden living in a black tank but he just started eating shrimps stuffed w/ pellets just this week. I do however see his appetite increasing so i think this is good progress for a few weeks of acclimating. The DE is getting alot better now and looks like the DE is going away.
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It hasn't been easy for him with the shipping and all of a sudden living in a black tank but he just started eating shrimps stuffed w/ pellets just this week. I do however see his appetite increasing so i think this is good progress for a few weeks of acclimating. The DE is getting alot better now and looks like the DE is going away.

That's a good news. As long as you keep an eyes on it and notice any effect right away, you can cure it. At this size it is not a gene effect so its easy to correct. I have bbxb that have the same DE problem start when its at 12" and now it looks normal. So you really got a deal on that fish :D
looking good! nice blue colour for sure! take some pics of the other side!

haha he's banged up on the otherside =P Lost 2 scales which are grown back but haven't colored in yet. He ate 4 shrimps today so he's doing good!

hey do you guys think he's lost some gold over the head? cause I didn't notice much gone maybe a little.... then again i see him everyday so I prob wouldn't notice.