Plants in Tank?


Super Moderator I sit here watching my tank I was thinking about potentially adding some "Green" in the tank since the green has left my wallet.

I was thinking about potentially buying some low level lighting plants and then tie them to the drift wood that I have in the tank. The plants would be off the bottom so the Rays won't be able to up root them...but not sure if the Silver Dollars would nip on them....

Was also thinking about putting some floating plants inside as well...not sure how that would work....

Looking for some in sights you guys may have.....

Here's an over all look for discussion


I have my new xb in a planted tank with some amazon swords and Cryptocoryne. She seems to be swimming peacefully as the plants are in the lower half of the tank. It also offers a place to hide for my angels and blue gourami if my aro decides to nip at them. might be right Gerry...those SD's are pretty nasty aren't they! LOL...I like that! heheehee....maybe I'll try to get some plants and tie them with elastics and see how they would work..
dont know if it's a good idea..
had some pretty bad experiences with plants and my black bar silver dollars.
it's not just holding them to place. its that they'll rip your plants eat em up and make a mess . even if you hold it to place they'll just bite the stems and make your tank look VERY NATURAL..
Fortunately for me, my silver dollars are in another tank (130g) with my baby rays and green aro that only has sand as a substrate. I have a few plecos in my planted tank (common pleco and two bristle nose) along with a severum that sometimes take a bite out of my plants but nothing too serious.