Post your discus photos here!

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Staff member
The $100 credit for Canada Aqua Farm will be awarded for the best photo of a discus inside Canada. Winner to be chosen by Ricky of Canada Aqua Farm. Draw date is March 1, 2014

Post your photos below!
Here is picture of my old wild discus set I had a few years ago. I still have a few from that batch. I'm hoping to move them in to their new 210 gallon home . I was hoping to add a silver arowana but the wife wants
it to be a community tank.
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Here is picture of my old wild discus set I had a few years ago. I still have a few from that batch. I'm hoping to move them in to their new 210 gallon home . I was hoping to add a silver arowana but the wife wants
it to be a community tank.

In order to be eligible, members must have made at least 50 posts in total prior to entering the contests. So at this time your photo cannot be accepted!
Contest is closed.

The $100 credit for Canada Aqua Farm will be awarded for the best photo of a discus inside Canada. Winner to be chosen by Ricky of Canada Aqua Farm. Draw date is March 1, 2014

Only one eligible winner so congrats to the winner Joey!
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