So I started to feed my one tank the meat pie gel from Repashy. I began to introduce the gel in small cut up pieces about ten minutes before I would do a regular feeding and to my surprise 4 days later the 3 rays in the tank are all eating this. I didn't alter my regular feedings at all yet but will start to slowly decrease my regular feedings and up the gel. I'm not sure yet at how much of the gel it will take to give them that full feeling or how long the full feeling will last yet but I'm guessing it would be somewhere near the same amount as shrimp. As far as the gel causing any mess in the tank during feeding I have not noticed anything different than shrimp and maybe even less of a mess. I will need a longer trial period to see how quick it dirtys the filters. So far in the initial stages I am more than impressed with it and am looking forward to seeing how it will work long term. I will start doing some different tests with it as the rays become used to it. So far the fish in the tank that are eating this are my male and female scobina, a small hybrid ray, an FRT, a frontosa, a king kong parrot, 2 irwinni cats, and a dat. The only fish not eating this yet is my mbu puffer. I've used this in my girlfrrends communiy tank and my chiclid tank and all thesh in these tanks are eating it. Which includes a pea puffer in the community tank. I'll keep you guys posted as I try dfferent things. One other note is if this is as filling as shrmp it will work out to being cheaper.