Selling 16" Chili Red Aro and tankmates


New Member
I hate to do this, but something big in my familly has come up and I have to be in Calgary for ahile. That is why I havent been around lately. So unfortunately I am selling my 16" Chili red and tankmates. I have a 16" Panda chili red who is delevoping a very nice deep red color, full red cheeks and will eat anything from MP to Pellets. It has long pectoral fins and great body shape. Only defect is a very slight PLJ, maybe 1mm. In the next few days I'll be back home and take pics. I also have 5 indo dats 3"-5". A 6" FF and a large clown loach. I am working on offers and I can ship in Canada. I would also consider a package deal since everyone is getting along so well. I also have 2 Red Tiger Lotus for sale. Let me know if anyone is interested thanks!

ps, I am also looking for nicer wheels for my 2003 acura CL S-type, if anyone would be into a trade.
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Sorry to hear... you are not into this hobby. Good luck with your sale!
Post so pictures maybe people are interested in the GTA.
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Bump for a nice good looking aro. Good bodyshape and good color development. That is some minor PLJ, almost not noticeable. If you didn't tell it, I think most people would have not notice it.

Pretty impressed with this Panda Red...
Hey all, I am leaving for Calgary soon, not sure when I will be back, I am keeping my Koi but selling my aro and tankmates, I'll let my 3 5" indo dats, a 3" indo dat, 6" flag fish, big clown loach, sengal bichir and my chili go for $1,800. The 15" chili is doing well, eats pellets, prawns with vitamins and frogs. I am located in victoria. But will ship for an extra cost. My number is (250) 590 4252 and my name is Bill. Thanks!
do you have any picture? where is this from? if i was to get the chili and flagtail how much would it cost pls pm me here... thinking about it...