Severums with Aro's


New Member
hey guys,
I'm going to visit Gold Ocean tommorow and I might pick up either a small rtg or a concern is that I'll be putting it on a tank with 3 small about 3" in diameter severums(gold,turquiose)....would they bother the aro???
Hey G_sharky I would not put these small Aros with the Severums for the Severums can be aggressive and might bite or eat the Aros fins, or scales.
can I put in in with my small pearl aro for now??? the green or the rtg will definitely have the size advantage...I will eventually move the pearl when it gets a little bigger.....
can I put in in with my small pearl aro for now??? the green or the rtg will definitely have the size advantage...I will eventually move the pearl when it gets a little bigger.....

If I were you I would split the tank for they will fight for sure. Also at this size one might die.
no, ur sevs would most probably see it as food.

seperate them now, wait a mont, then c how it progresses n u can add them later
hey ninja sevs are not that big....they are only about 3" long....I don't think that they would eat the aro....hey Granddragon how big are the greens and the rtg's??? i'm assuming they are atleast 4" based on th pics that I saw....I'm not planning on comm the two aro's together I just want 1 aro for 1 tank as I only have a 4 footer.....
since your rtg or green will be your most expenive fish in the tank, id keep that guy on its own
maybe you can make a cheap egg crate divider and seperate the pearl and sevs
I got 2 separate 4 ft tanks...1 with some severums on it, and the other with the pearl...I definitely don't wanna comm this two aro initial plan was just to try to grow the pearl and buy an asian aro maybe in the spring and summer, but since the price has gone down i'm getting it now before I miss out on this...
They will be getting more of these cheaper priced smaller aros in the next shipment also. Make sure you have an empty tank before you get one. They are quite small and you shouldnt take any chances with other fish that could possibly harm the aro. These are nice aros and you dont want anything to happen to it. Also keep in mind that you might need a larger tank down the road when the aro gets bigger. I wish you good luck with your purchase. Nice aros at Gold Ocean and Johnny there is a good guy.:)
I just moved the pearl in with the severums and so far so good...they don't even chase it or give it any trouble....the other tank is now available just 4 clown to gold ocean for tommorow.....
Ive kept sevs with asian aros before they do great! Make sure the aro is big enough so the sevs won't try to attack the aro.