Skittish Aro


New Member
Well my PGS that I got from the previous order is still skittish as heck. I thought maybe 1-2 weeks max and it'd get better. Never had an aro like this. I would try and feed it in the morning and then it just goes crazy when I walk close enough and then sit at the back corner for the rest of the morning. Seems to be bit better in the evening, it'll take food then and usually not as skittish. Not sure what's going on, anyone have any suggestions? It's in a bare bottom tank with some bichirs and dats. Would maybe putting a black background help?
I would keep the lights off for a while.... feed crickets when there is natural light in the room. With new arrivals i always have to creep up really slow to the tank and make all my movements slow to not scare the fish.

Just keep the water clean and tank stress free... i have one fish that will take food but is still a little shy to see me.
The aro's only getting natural lighting. I don't even have a light fixture yet on the tank.... lol I guess I'll just try and tough it out, he's a lot better than when I first got him, but still very skittish. Just give it time I suppose.
Fish is young and will be scared. Just natural. Some just take a while or take longer to get use to u. Once it grows it will settle down.
My aro that came on the same group buy are very well adjusted now. When they see me they rush to the front of the tank swimmig back and forth asking for food.(too bad they only get to eat once a day:D). The moment I drop the food they jump on it. I even have to drop it from behind their back otherwise they'll bite my hand. I think having 10 discus as tankmates helped. One even have to compete with the discus for food.