Some videos of my rays

Mark Huveneers

New Member
Thanks to the administrators quick response to my question on embedding videos I can now show you some of my rays.


Here is a video of when the rays were all mixed up, I have split them up in the meantime into breeding groups, 1 male to 3-4 females.

I keep my rays in ponds so can only see them from the top, when I want to check them for pregnancy I use a mirror as you can see here hahahaha

More later....

Mark Huveneers

New Member
Mainly just body shape, usually once you have kept rays for a while you recognize what a pregnant ray looks like. Bitemarks are a good indicator aswell but there are some sneaky males out there that are in and out before the female realizes what happened hahahahaha
I just like to know what is going on so i am always prepared.


What size are your breeding ponds, Mark? In your experience, is their a M:F ratio that seems to work best?

Top-notch, BD's btw. Keep the videos comming!