Super Red not Eating

just an update on my little dragon he is still on a hunger strike?? I think he is still somewhat ok but I notice he is a little listless now? I can see new growth on his fins, which is confussing because he is not eating at all !! I've tried crickets, live maggots and earthworms, all with the same outcome he just spits it out. I must admit this is the most painful fish keeping times I've ever encountered!! rgds:

Just like fishing, "patient" is part of the game. Any improvement so far?
just a update no luck just about 6 wks now and no improvement I'm losing hope unless there is some sort of force feeding technique?
just a update no luck just about 6 wks now and no improvement I'm losing hope unless there is some sort of force feeding technique?

My green did this for 2 months straight eariler this year. It got me really worried as well, but eventually started eating again with gusto

I'm pretty sure mine went off feeding because I was over feeding him to begin with.

Some added current at the top level seemed to help bring him back around
Noticed in the last weak that the body is getting a little thinner, but the behavier hasn't changed. still acts and swims like there is nothing wrong:confused: also how big was your green when it stopped for 2 mnths. and what was its diet?
I know most people will think this is a big no no. But I would try live food, such as some smaller danios, or even if you have to some small feeders. It is breaking the rules. But your aro needs something to get his digestion going and build up his strength! Kenta what do you think of this?
Noticed in the last weak that the body is getting a little thinner, but the behavier hasn't changed. still acts and swims like there is nothing wrong:confused: also how big was your green when it stopped for 2 mnths. and what was its diet?

When he stopped he was about 11" or so and was eating Hikari floating sticks, massivore pellets, superworms, and nightcrawlers.

He first came back to shrimp which was for the rays, then nightcrawlers, superworms and Hikari Massivore pellets
I know most people will think this is a big no no. But I would try live food, such as some smaller danios, or even if you have to some small feeders. It is breaking the rules. But your aro needs something to get his digestion going and build up his strength! Kenta what do you think of this?

Live food could be in form of earthworm, but it is required to pre-clean a bit first.
I know most people will think this is a big no no. But I would try live food, such as some smaller danios, or even if you have to some small feeders. It is breaking the rules. But your aro needs something to get his digestion going and build up his strength! Kenta what do you think of this?
I've tried this about 2 wks ago it attacked the first one but spit it out, but i agree i would try anything at this point there is something wrong I don't know what but I have came to accepting the worst:confused::mad: I still go through the same feeding habits to see if it has changed its mind but I'm sure the mind wants to eat but something is holding it back:confused: I'll keep you guys posted thks
tried small pcs. of earthworm aswell but with no success.

When things like that happen to me, I would like to add arowana vitamins in the tank. Cannot replace the food but at least trying to provide some sort of vitamins to the arowana.
Just an update about 3 days ago he started accepting small slivers of shrimp a couple at at feeding once a day so some great change from nothing Rgds
well not so fast! he is still eating everyday small amounts, but now he is back to his swim bladder problems?? The last 2 mornings he swims on an angle for a couple of hours and then he seems to level off ?? then acts like everything is ok. Want to get himm a little stronger before I try to correct this problem? any suggestions would be appreciated. Rgds
i going to agree with rulaifu, it sounds like a internal chronic problem at this point. if possible, see a fish vet.