two pair BDleo pups

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I am interested in one pair of the pups. How much is it for one pair?
I am located in Toronto, Ontario
Best Regards,
- 马金
I am confused. Isn't a BD a type of Leo?

Howard, do the pups have the same parents? How big are the parents? What is the average size of an adult BDLeo?


BD male, leo female. My concept is you buy what you see. in any batch of pups some is better than some is not. Even some BD parenets may have pups that doesn't meet BD quality.

I would say adult male average 20inch, female between 28-30inches
Many ppl inquire about shipping, the broker is charging me around $250 for shipping and handling, so I prefer to sell them within GTA. I will soon post picture of available pair. This pair was original list $1350 due to better quality.
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