Video: 25 cm Super Red


Arowana blogger
I just uploaded a video of the 25 cm Super Red that arrived on May 25, 2010. Video was taken 4 days after arrival.

Obviously, Maju has sent over a very nice one. This is the bench mark standard from now on for the 25 cm nice grade of SR and all customers who purcahse one can expect a fish of comparable quality.

The premium grade and show grade of Super Red are yet to come.
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lol, yes, you never know what could be in a box now do you. ;)

I emailed a link to the video to the Maju family, got the following reply:

Good day,

Glad to hear the costumer like it.

The fish just arrive, need a few weeks to increase more color but the body type is excellent.

Please ask them to feed with Live or Frozen shrimp or cartepilar would be good.


Thus, a follow up trip to monitor changes in colour development will be in order. :)
He's eating everything really well . Vitamen soaked prawns, gut loaded crickets and frogs so far. He looks washed out in the clip because of all the white lighting from the cam except for when the lighting darkens and he's up close to the glass. I'm sure the show super red will be an amazing sight (will have one next year lol) but for $2000 this arowana came in at a nice size with good body shape and color (Love all the purple coming in the green core). I would for sure order from Maju again with no hesitation.

lol, yes, you never know what could be in a box now do you. ;)

I emailed a link to the video to the Maju family, got the following reply:

Thus, a follow up trip to monitor changes in colour development will be in order. :)
Some still photos uploaded for the same fish. Nikon D50 used, standard flash, no special lighting.
