what kind of aro would be considered malaysian and indonesian?


New Member
hey guys,

what type of asian arowana comes to mind when you think of a malaysian arowana? indonesian arowana?

i hope to keep some in the future, and the reason i ask is that my dad is from malaysia, and my mom from indonesia. so it would be nice to have one from each of the regions, in seperate tanks if need be. :p

thanks for the input!


Arowana blogger
Welcome to the forum. :)

To my knowledge, the short answer is that RTGs (Red Tail Golds) come from Sumatra, Red arowana came originally from Kalimantan (Borneo - which is both Malaysian and Indonesian) but later also Java, and BBXB/XB came from penisnsular Malaysia; Greens came from multiple parts of SEAsia. I am not sure about Banjars. It gets a lot more complicated... :rolleyes:

Here are some interesting links that also address part of your question:




New Member
thanks for the welcome!
and the links!

i think i'll go with some variant of red for indonesia and a bbxb for malaysia.
its a start i guess:p