My ph is 6.8 out of the tap but rises to a stable 7.6 in the tank.
Thats not a stable PH. A stable PH would be 6.8 out of the tap and somewhere between 6.8-7 in the tank.
I Agree with most statements above... use what ever is stable, Aros like this, or that, i use this or that.. ect..ect.. I completly agree that you should use what ever you got, and dont mess with it.....
Thats not the point here...
Every time you do a water change with that lower PH, your causeing a PH swing in the tank... EVERY time you do a water change this happens.... Thats a problem.
PH doesnt go from 6.8 to 7.6 for no reason. Thats actually a huge change...
So why is this PH raising so much when you add it to the tank is the question that should be addressed.
There are many reasons actually... and im guessing it has to do with oxygen levels in the water. The ORP of the water would be higher fresh from the tap.. Once you add it to the tank.. the O2 is stripped from the water and used by the animals, and bacteria... This lowers the ORP, and raises the PH of the water. This happens because PH and ORP are inversely related.(one goes up, other goes down) Just doing a simple water change can cause this, but it generally levels back out befor you can notice it.
So what does this mean for your tank? Not sure yet.... it could mean a few things.
To find out whats going on... you'll have to run a few very simple tests.
Take a food grade container. Preferably plastic. Fill it with "room temp" water from the tap. As if you were doing a water change. Test that water 3X's. Once when you fill it. Then 12 and 24hrs later. Record the results. Very important to have it at room temp. (temp should stay the same for the 24hr period)
Then do a big water change on the tank. Be sure to clean all your pre filters out as well. Test the tank in the same fashion: Once when you fill it. Then 12 and 24hrs later. Record the results.
This will tell you if the change is happening because of the water source or because of the tank. Allowing us to narrow it down.
Post those results here.
IF tap water sample remains the same PH threw out the test, its not the water source
Also add: what size tank, tank stocking, type of filtration used, and temperature of water.
Good luck