Wide bar silver dollar

How to tell if it is wide bar or thin bar when they are small size.
Is it by the colour of anal fin? Red for thin bar black for wide bar?
Wide bars have a wide bar. Significantly wider than the thin bars. They also have more red. But there are quite a few different localities that have different bars and coloring. The one from xingu has the widest bar and the most red, it also demands the highest price. Even different individuals from the same localities have varying bar thickness. "wide bar" and "thin bar" are just trade names that's all.
Also... Anal fin color depends on a lot of different things too. Species, locality, gender, individuals. My male rubripinnis have almost black bars when they are standing off with eachother, but are just red when they are relaxed. The female have all orange fins. All then fish are from the same river.