WTB platinum alligartor gar

Hey I'm not saying Howard can't buy anything he wants I just take issue to the size people think they max out with in captivity . Also that they can be kept in any standard size fish tank long term because it simply is not true and would be cruel to do so. If you think otherwise then you really know little about the animal in question or think little of the care of your fish. We all love these big fish but if we can't afford to give them a decent amount of space to live a comfortable life then we shouldn't buy them just so we can say we have them. I think the hobby has gotten better I love seeing all these amazing home built 2000 gallon tanks for aros and rays it awesome by the way i wish i could be so lucky. I'm sure Howard wants to know all that's involved considering this fish is so expensive and a grossly stunted fish will no longer carry any real value.

You guys need to get off your crusade. Howard wants a gar...this is the buy sell. Most of the fish owned on this board should not relastically should not be kept in an aquarium.....but they are.
Its too bad you cant make a friend in US fish and wildlife..... They hatch fry every year and have had albinos from a few diffrent tagged girls..... I wonder if there is some kid shipping them to asia and secretly driving a lambo when he takes the ranger outfit off lol.
That would be too funny! Lol

QUOTE=hustler;28061]Its too bad you cant make a friend in US fish and wildlife..... They hatch fry every year and have had albinos from a few diffrent tagged girls..... I wonder if there is some kid shipping them to asia and secretly driving a lambo when he takes the ranger outfit off lol.[/QUOTE]
I think thew tank issue is a subject that should be moved to its own thread and out of poor howards classified add.....
AND it will be a hot thread indeed
I think thew tank issue is a subject that should be moved to its own thread and out of poor howards classified add.....
AND it will be a hot thread indeed

So far i only receive one source about where to get platinum gar.

All the inputs are welcome but your wording shouldnt offend other ppl, whether the infos are right or wrong we should respect other ppl's input.
It can take decades for gator gars to reach full potential. That's why there is almost no recorded spatula in the wild past 7 feet. Most are 6' and under. The rest where fished out of existence decades ago and the rest haven't caught up yet. Captive gator definitely grow over 3-4 feet though. I had a 30" gator a bit over a year ago. I adopted it, and it was apparently only a few years old. Unfortunately it jumped ship and I didn't get any pictures. Given enough time and space they can definitely grow upwards to 5 feet, but that would take awhile.