x-backs vs chilis

wow thats almost twice the price of the Panda Reds.
what so different about the VIPs and the Panada Reds besides one being a Ford and the other one being Toyota(well at least according to Kenta:D)?

Twice the price hehe, you should see that fish near the end of the store, the FFL (deformed aro with a large hump but in actuality its an aro with a spine defect. aka Fa Fook Long) they sell for $10k+ .....the difference is just the main thing that comes about selling high buying low. If you were the owner and you have a decent product that no one else has, wouldn't you want to sell it as high as possible?
like i said. there are farms and agents who names the different type of aros like (lucky reds, shelooks and vip) and so on. yey they're all sr. but from personal experience the color of the chilli is nice in the begining, but their color fades after a few years.
like i said. there are farms and agents who names the different type of aros like (lucky reds, shelooks and vip) and so on. yey they're all sr. but from personal experience the color of the chilli is nice in the begining, but their color fades after a few years.

so would blood reds keep its color longer?

man do i have alot to learn...
thanks for the help guys
i personally dont like blood red either. If i buy a blood red its got to be a blue base blood red. If you are planning to keep the aros forever than buy yourself a really nice 1 but if you are still new then just go with a low end 1 and build your experience up from there.
Imperial Palace Website

Reds are definitely the hardest arowana to raise... Their potential as adults range so much... VIP red is a brand name for a Super red.. they do have good stock and good reputation, but just like every farms stock there are good quality VIP reds and poor quality VIP reds...

We often don't have the luxury to do this, but judge the fish not the farm

Hi everyone had some time to read the posts and I will add to some of these comments.

The reason people are hearing sooo much about VIP right now is because they have won 2 or 3 Aquarama Championships in a row but not all in the same categories (Big size, Medium size, and small size). Sure VIP is a brand name just like Panda is a Brand name, and this also goes the same for all the other farms and there trade names. Just remember that fish brought to these shows are of exquisite quality and are not the norm of just any farm. VIP charges a bit more for selecting fish that might have a higher chance of becoming a deep orange or Red in color but I do not think there are any garantees from any farm.

I find that one huge misconception people have when buying Super reds are that they can be differentiated into "blood red", "chilli red" or whatever red as young fish. All those books and pics on the net you see of blood and chilli reds all would be impossible to tell that outcome when young. The label of blood of chilli red is slapped on once the fish is mature... I would be highly skeptical of someone selling a small Super red as "blood red" because there is no way of telling the path the fish will take towards maturity, plus there are a lot of variables other than genetics involved.

Panda sells all their Super reds at the standard ~6" size and on all their certs is "Super red"... i can't guarantee its chilli or blood... but I can guarantee their parents are both Super reds and from Panda breeding pond.

As for male/female, its hard enough to guess an adult, impossible to differentiate a juvenile unless DNA is take, which is so costly even the farms don't do it.

Actually there is a farm that does DNA out there and that farm is Qian Hu. Also I believe that there are ways to tell between the 2 kinds of Arowanas Blood and Chili Reds for why would the other farms sell them. They cant all be wrong can they????:confused: I know that Chili and Blood Reds were names of wild caught fish and it depended on the origin of where the fish came from in the Kalimantan. But with captive breeding and mixing of both kinds of Reds this is a lot harder for the untrained eye to decipher.;)
because they are so rare. i know its kinda crazy- why buy a deformed fish? i wouldnt want it even if its cheaper.

Everyone got their own tastes.

The same goes for Snow white Silver Arowanas, Albino Aros and Xanthatic Aros. People are willing to pay high prices for these rare fish. Buying a Super Red Albino???:confused: I thought the intention was to buy a fish with color and not the lack of it. But to each his/her own. Everyone has a personal prefrence.
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i personally dont like blood red either. If i buy a blood red its got to be a blue base blood red. If you are planning to keep the aros forever than buy yourself a really nice 1 but if you are still new then just go with a low end 1 and build your experience up from there.

you are on the right track here:)

This is all to confusing for me LOL.... i rather just get a BLue base Xback =)

Just remember that because of cross breeding there are many types of Blue Base XBacks do you know which one you are looking for:confused: PM me on this topic.;)
thank you, but there are aros that i only dream about finding. For me if i find myself a ruby pink aro. that would be a nice upgrade for me.
Actually there is a farm that does DNA out there and that farm is Qian Hu. Also I believe that there are ways to tell between the 2 kinds of Arowanas Blood and Chili Reds for why would the other farms sell them. They cant all be wrong can they????:confused: I know that Chili and Blood Reds were names of wild caught fish and it depended on the origin of where the fish came from in the Kalimantan. But with captive breeding and mixing of both kinds of Reds this is a lot harder for the untrained eye to decipher.;)

The DNA studies are primarily used to improve the breeding rate of the arowana and do take note teh study is done with mature fishes rather than young fish. When it comes to reds, it is very difficult to identify them correctly because of the mixed bloodline. So even if both parents are confirmed blood reds, it is not necessaryily true that all the fry will turn out the same as they could take its genetics from its forefathers which might be a little mixed blood. Coz if small fishes can be identified from young, there will be no longer a market for bigger fishes with confirmed color development.
i personally dont like blood red either. If i buy a blood red its got to be a blue base blood red. If you are planning to keep the aros forever than buy yourself a really nice 1 but if you are still new then just go with a low end 1 and build your experience up from there.

Acutally most of us get confused between blood red and chilli red. The technical name for blood red is that the color tone should be clean red without any base color. For chilli red, we can expect to see a base color irregardless of whehter its green, purple or blue. Those orange reds and yellow reds cannot be considered blood reds.
oh so panda would have VIP reds then? or some quality as VIP reds?

VIP is the trade name of the fishes sold by Imperial arowana. So if you buy any fish from Imperial arowana, may it be xback, green, red, 1.5 red etc they are technically "VIP" arowanas. The main reason why VIP reds are better than the supply from most other farms is because all the fishes are specially hand selected by the owner of the farm rather than just being imported in big quantities. Hence, at any time especially for the reds, you don't see many being available for sale as only the premium fishes are selected from a wide pool of the fishes available.
In general VIP aros. are better than average as these aros. are selected individually. But it does not mean that you will get the best from VIP.
So many people in Asia select the aros. The old famous one is n1wan. And there are many more whom we don't know their names but doing a very good selecting.

Not necessarily especially for smaller fishes. But for big fishes its I have not seen anything better than VIP so far.
xbackgolden... i dont know about that. there are some vip that i've seen here in canada that to my perspective shouldn't be on the market for sale.