x-backs vs chilis

we had 4 x VIP reds shipped to the UK 2 died after 6 month 1 had drop eye and the last one is a nice fish :D

the fish were just weak from day one

i dont wish to offend anyone but this is what i have seen alot of hear in the UK with farms and shops

the farms will send over the 1st batch of aros that are perfect then after a few shipments when the farm has you hocked the grade will start to drop
i have seen this in a big chain of shops hear in the UK maidenhead aquatics this is one of the biggest chains in the UK
the 1st batch of 20 aros they got were perfect then the 2nd batch they ordered 30 aros they were a mess crossed barbels gil problems drop eye you name it the aros had it

you need to go over yourself pick your own fish and get the tag numbers before you leave then you know what fish you are getting

most shops dont have time to go over and do this and they will get ripped off the farms have to sell this kind of aro with deformatys to someone

its much easyer to sell a aro with problems to the export market how many fish do you think are sent back with problems none i would say
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xbackgolden... i dont know about that. there are some vip that i've seen here in canada that to my perspective shouldn't be on the market for sale.

Well sometimes, the fishes could have been sick or damaged after landing at the airport, coz if we think about it, its not to the farm's advantage to sell defective fishes and not get repeat business after that. As the saying in marketing goes, it is much harder to get to get a new customer than it is to keep an existing one happy.
xbackgolden... to some of those places i'm not a new customer. i checked out the fish everything was nice but the coloration is not nice...