Recent content by cheon

  1. cheon

    marble motoros and hybrid

    Hybrid - sold Hybrid pair - sold Marble pair- price drop pm me for more details
  2. cheon

    marble motoros and hybrid

    FS pair of marble motoro bred my mark huveneers. These are qualtiy examples of marble motoro. female is 7-8inches male is 6inches. i have included a video of a marble i imported 2 years ago from the same breeder. i will NOT split up the pair. FS is a P14xBDxBD male 7-8inches this guy is...
  3. cheon

    Hybrid Stingrays for sale

    Bad ass looking pups!
  4. cheon

    Pup updates- Henlie

    Nice looking hens!
  5. cheon

    leo/hen pup#1

    Looking pup
  6. cheon

    leo/hen pup#1

    Sweet l
  7. cheon

    Advice on treating argulus!

    Never expert ed lice before with rays. Have u tried prazi pro? It's quite available at most aqurium stores
  8. cheon

    Looking for tigrinus

    Riverfront aquariums has 8 of them in calgary.
  9. cheon

    k1 & Bioball Sump

    Pretty nice design but Ull want mechanical first before any bio to keep those compartments clean.
  10. cheon

    Mark Huveneers import 2014

    Monster fish bowl has been lucky to been offered freshwater rays from mark huveneers. For you that dont know mark huveneers is he is one pioneers of freshwater rays.From many years of line breeding he is able to produce some of the best quality rays in the hobby. Here are some examples of Mark...
  11. cheon

    AA thailand captive bred marble Motoro

    Ray is no longer available
  12. cheon

    AA thailand captive bred marble Motoro

    excellent quality marble Motoro imported from topstingray 2 weeks ago... Eatting market prawn... 800$ able to ship to any Canadian international airport. PHOTO can be seen here
  13. cheon


    Guy I know in Calgary got pricked on his knuckle.went to emergency cuz he couldn't stand the pain. They gave him 2 shots of morpheme right way. Says he can stil feel a tingling felling some days. And he's a big boy.
  14. cheon


    Crazy!! How swallen it got from a pup!
  15. cheon

    Caught my Rays Mating

    This video is really cool