Recent content by Marius

  1. M

    Thanks man. :)

    Thanks man. :)
  2. M

    re my doberman

    Heh, careful with them, they are the "silent warriors" :)
  3. M

    FS: 4 yr old panda crossback and tankmates setup

    It might be, I know the fish from Vancouver. Don't mind me Gerry, PM him. :D
  4. M

    FS: 4 yr old panda crossback and tankmates setup

    If you're in Vancouver I am sure he'd love to show it to you. Great looking fish.
  5. M

    what to do when power goes out?

    If you cannot have a backup battery to run your filters, and you're only running bubbles for the period your electricity is out, then make sure you clean your filters thoroughly before you restart them. Anytime close to 20min and 20min+ without air, the bacteria in your filters will die, and...
  6. M

    Live Feeder Crayfish

    They should be a good source of protein, just watch for the pincers. If they're too big don't risk it, or better yet, put the in the freezer for 5 min before feeding your aros. That way they won't "accidentally" nip the arowana.
  7. M

    FS: WC P13 Leopoldi Stingray (Pair)

    *thumbs up* hold onto them, prices will go up.
  8. M

    Stingray learning curve...

    HEHEHEHEHEHE! Nice flat fishy :D
  9. M

    Sump advice needed

    Are you building it yourself, or just going to buy it? If the later, then buy the largest wet/dry that you can fit underneath the stand. Always better to have more filtration than not enough. If you're building your own sump, then the possibilities are endless. You can customize it the way...
  10. M

    Does Panda guarantee no genetic defects on their fish?

    PLJ is not only related to genetic defect if I am not mistaken. See what keeping an aro in a 2'x2' does?!? :D
  11. M

    Does Panda guarantee no genetic defects on their fish?

    What if the buyer doesn't know what he's doing and feeds them too much, or too many fatty foods, or keeps them into an inappropriate enclosure. Many of the so called "genetic defects" have been speculated to be either environmental (e.g. tank conditions, water quality, space available) and food...
  12. M

    FS: Castexi Ray - Montreal area

    Wifey's leaving for Vancouver in a week. One of those weekends I want to put it together. PMed.
  13. M

    FS: Castexi Ray - Montreal area

    I didn't have the pumps, they just came from Vancouver.
  14. M

    FS: Castexi Ray - Montreal area

    If you give me a hand to set up the 400 pond for this baby you can have a Tigrinus for it :D Call me.
  15. M

    Preparing to install a 535 gallon tank into my basement

    Or you could stick an 8' underneath, 8x2x2 (that's 240gal I think) ...partition it as sump and grow out tank for aros, or whatever ;)