Does Panda guarantee no genetic defects on their fish?

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How does one guarantee generic defects? There no such defect free unless they are already adult size in my opinion.

I'm sure the peeps that order will be happy not only what they paid but also the with their fish.
Yup, only way to gurantee no defects is to buy a BIG adult fish. Of the Pandas we have sold over the years there have been a few to develop PLJ or DE. Keep in mind we've sold around 300 of them, so that would be expected.

So far the CV Maju fish have been pretty "clean" PLJ or DE that I am aware of. Next shipment arrives soon, so you will get a chance to see for yourself. :)
Yup, only way to gurantee no defects is to buy a BIG adult fish. Of the Pandas we have sold over the years there have been a few to develop PLJ or DE. Keep in mind we've sold around 300 of them, so that would be expected.

So far the CV Maju fish have been pretty "clean" PLJ or DE that I am aware of. Next shipment arrives soon, so you will get a chance to see for yourself. :)

Did you guarantee that Panda ARowana are free of genetic defect? They reputable breeder and thye guarantee thier fish? Just asking.
Did you guarantee that Panda ARowana are free of genetic defect? They reputable breeder and thye guarantee thier fish? Just asking.

What if the buyer doesn't know what he's doing and feeds them too much, or too many fatty foods, or keeps them into an inappropriate enclosure. Many of the so called "genetic defects" have been speculated to be either environmental (e.g. tank conditions, water quality, space available) and food related issues, rather than genetic defects.

When I visited Panda Aquatics last year I asked the owner to promise to replace any fish that ever arrived in Canada with a defect. To date one fish was replaced that arrived with DE, and a discount was promised on another that apparently had PLJ
(See: )

Recently the owner of Panda Aquatics has told me he will no longer offer replacement fish or rebates for any fish that arrive in Canada with a perceived deffect.

As pointed out to you in an earlier post, unless a fish is larger, you can not rule out that it will not show a genetic deffect as it grows. This is why larger adult fish with confirmed colour and characteristics should cost more than young fish.

Marius also raises valid points.

So, to answer your question, I used to promise that Panda fish would not arrive in Canada showing a defect like PLJ or DE. I have never made any promises concerning how the fish turns out when adult. For that, I rely on the established reputation of the farm and for buyers to make up their own minds.
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What if the buyer doesn't know what he's doing and feeds them too much, or too many fatty foods, or keeps them into an inappropriate enclosure. Many of the so called "genetic defects" have been speculated to be either environmental (e.g. tank conditions, water quality, space available) and food related issues, rather than genetic defects.


How if the seller already know about the PLJ and never pointed out to the unsuspected buyer wich is first time ARowana keeper???And what ever you say about the diet it's genetic and there's no specutlation because the fish already got PLJ.
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I think I know of your BBXB and can only say that you did not buy it from me. If I were the seller I would have offered you as a novice buyer a discount on a fish with a defect. Hopefully you got a discount price.

Even though you were not my customer and I made no commission of any kind related to your fish I will see if I can help somehow. PM sent. :)

Meanwhile, check out this thread and you will see that sometimes it is the seller of the fish who somehow does not get treated fairly either:
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How if the seller already know about the PLJ and never pointed out to the unsuspected buyer wich is first time ARowana keeper???And what ever you say about the diet it's genetic and there's no specutlation because the fish already got PLJ.

when you buy any fish. its buyers beware. the seller only presents you with the product. in the end its your decision. in this case with plj, drop eye etc, its you that must do the research first.
I think I know of your BBXB and can only say that you did not buy it from me. If I were the seller I would have offered you as a novice buyer a discount on a fish with a defect. Hopefully you got a discount price.

Even though you were not my customer and I made no commission of any kind related to your fish I will see if I can help somehow. PM sent. :)

Meanwhile, check out this thread and you will see that sometimes it is the seller of the fish who somehow does not get treated fairly either:

No your not the seller and just try to find something about things, you represent panda that's why the questions on you. And yes buyer beware but its unethical to sell such a thing to novice or unaware hobbyist without telleing the defect upfront somebody cannot assume that everybody knows everything not unless your a smart ass. I don't refer anything to anybody here just don't assume untill you know the real story.
Yes, I have represented Panda in the past. I still like their fish overall, especially their PGS.
I'm sorry to hear that I want to make clear that youre NOT THE SELLER i just need to highlight that hehehe. I don't want to cause anything but find some info about the panda product and guarantee of genetic defect.
I appreciate all the comment and info even if your comment really does'nt help and jumping to conclusion will makes you look stupid.
What if the buyer doesn't know what he's doing and feeds them too much, or too many fatty foods, or keeps them into an inappropriate enclosure. Many of the so called "genetic defects" have been speculated to be either environmental (e.g. tank conditions, water quality, space available) and food related issues, rather than genetic defects.


I want to point out to you that when the buyer got the fish it's already got PLJ and no not the buyer's fault bam you looks like....yes.
when you buy any fish. its buyers beware. the seller only presents you with the product. in the end its your decision. in this case with plj, drop eye etc, its you that must do the research first.

Yes buyer beware but it's unethical to sell dragon with defect and no the seller did not point out the PLJ and drop eye and the hoobyist is a novice that he does'nt know all the defects
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