Recent content by peacockbass

  1. P

    lifespan of aro...

    its been almost the one year mark for my hiback this rate that its eating..i don't think it will ever grow into a monster lol...don't know why but my fish loves to go on 2 to 3 weeks fasting periods...water parameters are normal...aro looks healthy and swims geos are...
  2. P

    150g w hiback gold and 5 geos

    thanks...ya..the aro shows no interest in them so far..i'll start taking the fry out in the next few days and put them into grow out tanks....frozen scallops are pretty cheap actually....bag for 5 bucks lasts me over a month...aro usually eats one per day, sometimes only half of one and about...
  3. P

    150g w hiback gold and 5 geos

    my lil juvie hiback gold...150g with dual fx6s...tankmates are 5 geophagus redhead tapajos...dominant pair recently spawned and now there are about 100 free swimming wigglers in the tank also...aro continues to show zero interest in eating them and will swim right into the cluster of babies...
  4. P

    where is everyone...

    congrats on the new aros....i love your 2000g tank the best also lol..
  5. P

    where is everyone...

    i do notice alot of lurkers section isn't very very active so wondering why so many would lurk there...
  6. P

    Cheap high quality food

    if its not as fatty as salmon i guess it would be a good feed.....i mix my aro's diet with scallops/white shrimp/meal worms/crickets....i'd like to add some sort of fish in the future too..most likely talapia bc its readily available and quite cheap also..
  7. P

    FS:450 Acrylic saltwater setup (YEG)

    location would be helpful...
  8. P

    where is everyone...

    finally got back into the aro world and now have a hiback gold with 5 geophagus red head tapajos in my 150g setup...i've owned an rtg....datnoids (ST,IT,CT).peacockbass..flowerhorns and many other tropical fish over the past few decades....but arowanas have always been my number one fish and i'm...
  9. P

    Stabilizing tigers

    dats barely swim let alone just arent the most graceful swimmers i've ever kept before....
  10. P

    Not a small tank at all .......

    great vid....some monsters in that tank..too bad he's in the states and can't have any aros...
  11. P

    Arowana's eyes are looking cloudy today

    no worries...cloudy eyes are usually always water related issues....glad to hear its recovering....
  12. P

    Arowana's eyes are looking cloudy today

    have you checked your water paramaters??..what are the readings??..
  13. P

    Panda Gold for sale

    beautiful fish....perfect RTG IMO....reminds me a lot like my old one...good luck with the sale....wished i were in the country to scoop it up...
  14. P

    So it begins

    wow...dream tank for many of us..i'm green with envy....
  15. P

    Koi & Backyard Ponds

    wow...looks like a huge pond....too bad our weather isn't suitable for having aros day i'd like to do a koi pond too...