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  1. danfong88

    Aquarium filter socks

    online is way to go! if you need something special.
  2. danfong88


    Nice RTG!
  3. danfong88

    August 11th Video

    nice set up!
  4. danfong88

    Ph Meter Sm100 by Millaukee

    SOLD!!! can someone remove this thread
  5. danfong88

    Ph Meter Sm100 by Millaukee

    Up for Sale $ 80 for Ph Meter Model # SM 100
  6. danfong88

    7in Timur red

    u should try other website!! it is good deal!! good luck with your sale!
  7. danfong88

    FS: 20" Dynamic Super Red

    good luck with your sale!
  8. danfong88

    Filtration ----

    the return is tie wrap to the gas line? is that to building code??? It looks great !!! have the sump in the basement is great!!!! . You have pictures of your fish collections?
  9. danfong88

    How many clown loaches? Over Under 50. place your bets! j/j =D

    nice clown loaches..... wow must be over 50 in that tank!!
  10. danfong88

    hey... how is going?

    hey... how is going?
  11. danfong88

    Newbie Questions

    No.... 30 gallon is just too small the aro might jump and kill itself. A start tank of 75 gallon is good for starter. Better to save your pennies until you can afford the property size for an aro? They live for 20 years!!!
  12. danfong88

    Filtration ----

    with an autodrip, you should check the water parameters once in while incase there incase there is spike in the ph? Yes, 25% water change week is the best !!!
  13. danfong88

    Filtration ----

    It should work.. I have seen it.
  14. danfong88

    My fish :)

    I like the Doral fin... very nice.
  15. danfong88

    Hi, I am visiting Montreal this weekend, do you need anything ? Dan 416.768.0688

    Hi, I am visiting Montreal this weekend, do you need anything ? Dan 416.768.0688
  16. danfong88

    220G made by All Glass with pine stand and canpoy

    Up for SALE. complete set up for SALE $ 1,900 comes with Mag 12 , model 4 sump, canpoy and stand. Complete Set Up and will not part out. See the pictures. [/ATTACH]
  17. danfong88

    Tiger Datnoid 10" NNT

    I had the At since it was 1" and has grown to 10"..... any offers? I need to sell to make room for other fish.
  18. danfong88

    Tiger Datnoid 10" NNT

    10" NNT for SALE - $100 Eats Pellets, Shrimps.
  19. danfong88

    Phosban Reactor Help

    you have pictures?