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  1. Arrow

    Don Gross' Fish Room and Breeding Facility

    Beautiful stock!
  2. Arrow

    Hooked on SW

    So hows 2 weeks sound?
  3. Arrow

    Hooked on SW

    I have had my new sr for a week now and he has not eaten any sticks yet. He was feeding strictly on SW's at the lfs and I'm trying to get it on sticks so thats all I've been offering. His last meal was one week ago and was SW's. I know he is hungry and would probably take sw's if I fed them...
  4. Arrow

    Another one of my reds close up

    Nice red! Do you have any full shots of it?
  5. Arrow

    180gal tank qusetion

    If its concrete then no problem, but if its on the second floor or higher and wood then you may wanna do some research
  6. Arrow

    Glodline L027c + friends

    Great collection of plecos, I like them but could never own own due to the mess they make
  7. Arrow

    Is this fei feng the larger species?

    I dont know if its true or not but I was told that large ones have a black band along their gil plate??? If so then I've got a large one if there are indeed 2 different types?
  8. Arrow

    Whats the ideal ph for an asian arow?

    Thanks Hustler, I know how much of a pain it is to adjust ph and was hoping that a stable 7.6 would fine even though it is a tad higher than I'd like. But the fish seems fine so I'm def going to leave it be. I do find it weird that it drops since there isnt really anything in the tank but oh...
  9. Arrow

    Out of Hobby sale.

    I noticed those spots and was also curious?
  10. Arrow

    Help Please

    Def not ammo or nitrite burn, what are the symptoms for flukes? Gonna google it and see what I find
  11. Arrow

    Timur Red Arowana ................

    I was there a few days ago, lots to choose from and most look very good
  12. Arrow

    My only Gold

  13. Arrow

    Gold XB 550 Gallons

    Thats a stunner!
  14. Arrow

    One of my Reds

    Thats a beautiful red, I hope mine turns out that nice. What farm is this beauty from?
  15. Arrow

    Help Please

    I tried to take some pics but you cant really see anything in them. What are some common problems in arows that would affect the gill area? I know ich could live in the gills without being spread throughout the body but I really dont think its ich. Any other thoughts?
  16. Arrow

    Whats the ideal ph for an asian arow?

    Thanks guys you confirmed what I thought about a stable ph.
  17. Arrow

    Biggest Tank Comfortably Moved??

    I say where theres a will theres a way LOL That being said anything larger than a 220gal I would get it proffessionally moved.
  18. Arrow

    Whats the ideal ph for an asian arow?

    Just wondering what the ideal ph is for a SR arowana? I think I remember it being just under 7? My ph is 6.8 out of the tap but rises to a stable 7.6 in the tank. Is this safe since it doesnt fluctuate or should I shoot for 6.8? If 6.8 then whats the safest way to do so without...
  19. Arrow

    Help Please

    New fish but same setup, the tank has been running for over a year, BB is well established in all three filters. Also I have tonnes of surface agitation from the spray bars for oxygen, its like a snowstorm of bubbles everywhere LOL Hes swimming around fine for a newly introduced fish but...
  20. Arrow

    Help Please

    Params are ammo 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, ph 7.6. I just added salt and upped the temp on the heater to 84 so hopefully that will cimb by tonight.