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  1. P


    wow great development with colour.....i also like that it has a tiny spoonish head...seems like all the goldies you see are all classsic bullet head dream fish would be a 24k spoonhead if thats even possible....
  2. P

    What causes Drop eye?

    fatty tissue deposits develop behind the eyes to cause them to drop....personally i think its genetics and not environmental factors...meaning that because the aro is an tank and "has to look down" and outside the tank, causes them to get drop eye because its a strain on their viewing...if this...
  3. P

    8" RTG

    nice spoon head on it...glws...i wished i could get back into aros again....this would be a keeper for me...
  4. P


    i will be out in winnipeg on fri for a there any LFS worth checking out while i'm trying my best not to freeze to
  5. P

    help aro stop eating pellet

    try to feed them a varied diet...mix it up....having tank mates also helps them keep steady appetitie if they think they have to compete for food and see tank mates eating....i was able to get mine to eat whatever my STs or geos were eating when they were all together...
  6. P

    RTG color

    once they start to get around 12'' they start to really show true colours IMO....
  7. P

    Biggest Tank Comfortably Moved??

    4 small asian guys = 2 burly white no way i could have moved my 180 with just one other person....
  8. P

    if you wanna go abroad for 2~4 month ....

    i'm leaving for a year or two to australia in Feb also.....good thing my bro will watch my STs for me...they should be absoulute monsters by the time i'm back...if i ever come
  9. P

    RTG Slideshow

    stunning pics as always.....
  10. P

    Go buy your fish in person?

    that would be trip of a lifetime...go and handpick one from an aro of these days i'd like to do that.....
  11. P

    Banjar Reds

    if you want to try sw and crix...don't feed them live to him..i used to freeze them..then feed them to my PG...never gave them was easier to keep them in the freezer than try to keep them alive all the time...
  12. P


    bearded dragons make great reptile pets....
  13. P

    My Dream Fish

    thats a nice red...beautiful body and spoon head....give me one like that but all gold and thats my dream fish.....hard to tell but looks like a 180.....
  14. P

    monster Tank Elegant Chinese Cuisine @ McCowan and Hwy 7

    not bad...most restaurants..u feel sorry for the fish....
  15. P

    Water Quality

    agreed....too high bioload...either reduce that bigger water changes.....or get a bigger tank with more filtration.......
  16. P

    Advise: moving

    i did my move during the i did not use any heaters....put the fish in the bins, added an airstone...and just kept on checking on them every few hours during the process....keep the lid heavily covered especially with the aro in it.....
  17. P

    Advise: moving

    moving tanks and fish can be an easy process....if you can set up a tempoary tank at your new place that would be ideal.....i used rubber maid bins as temp tanks and also for moving the fish back and forth.....move the tanks....get them filled and transfer the fish within a day or two....
  18. P

    My 240

    great pic......nice tank setup....the dats look out of place though.....
  19. P

    December 2010 Update

    ^^^nice setup....sure beats the fish room i had loud is the tank (if any???)....