Search results

  1. M

    peacock bass

    Gold Cichlas are actually worth more than the "classic" green base ones. If they are pale from being little wrigglers, then don't be too quick to judge, because they'll color up soon enough.
  2. M

    peacock bass

    Cichla Temensis are the most aggressive besides the fact that they grow to be the largest of the Cichla family. You need a group of Cichlas -6 or more minimum, depending on the size of the tank- to avoid conspecific aggression and to avoid the squabble with the arowana. Both cichlas and aros...
  3. M

    H2O Orders

    Eken bought one, beautiful Leo, the simple P13. Mike always has good stuff.
  4. M

    Pbass with arowana

    Only 2 Cichlas will kill each other, you need at least 6-10 of them to avoid individual aggression ...and a larger tank once they mature.
  5. M

    Pbass with arowana

    Not to mention stick with the small ones, Cichla Intermedia, the others will grow too large, especially the Temensis.
  6. M

    Thats the way to do it

    Looks great Richard.
  7. M


    Yup, looks great, and the price is the best you can find :D
  8. M

    frontosa with arowana???

    x2 I wouldn't mix Frontosas with Arowanas, especially not 5-6" Fronts with 18" arowana.
  9. M

    Panda spring order 2009

    Nice BB :)
  10. M

    Forced to sell 24" black arowana

    Sorry to hear that, I'd take him if you'd be closer. Good luck with the sale.
  11. M

    MERODONTONUS TIGRINUS I'll get some "fresh" videos and photos up soon. They're looking better now.
  12. M

    FS/FT Merondontonus Tigrinus, Montreal, Canada

    PRICE LOWERED Prices lowered ...need some of them gone 300$/each
  13. M

    FS Aro Comm

  14. M

    looking to buy snakeshead fish

    What variant?
  15. M

    New unexpected fish

    Very nice piece, exquisite. Good pick up bud.
  16. M

    FS/FT Merondontonus Tigrinus, Montreal, Canada

    Here's a few I took a week ago, I wanted to take more this weekend of each of them, size and so on, but I have too much studying to do. Enjoy tank camera, Tig and me :D
  17. M

    FS/FT Merondontonus Tigrinus, Montreal, Canada

    7" to 10"+ ...price varies according to size and pattern, limited quantity, only 8 available. +/- 400$/each Eating shrimp like pigs, I already tried pellets, they take NLS, but I am continuing feeding shrimp as a personal choice. Trades will be considered: rays, other catfish, cichlids...
  18. M


    You need to put a price :)
  19. M

    Small NTTs

    He's in Toronto.
  20. M

    210 gallon cummunity

    Very nice Mike.