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  1. H

    March 2014 Import

    I am very interest with blood red
  2. H

    March 2014 Import

    Great, I prefer red aro from Indonesia
  3. H

    March 2014 Import

    May I ask, where are those red aro from? Singapore or indonesia?
  4. H


    I am from Taipei, it's a great place, a lot of delicious food, a safe city to travel
  5. H

    **platinum gar**

    I am really interest into one. Can you send me photo for exactly which one I can chose from. My email is [email protected]
  6. H

    A very unique piece

    That's from recent batch, BDxleo, I wonder if the marking would ever turn white
  7. H

    A very unique piece

    No P14
  8. H

    A very unique piece

    Pls guess and ID this 5" pup
  9. H

    third year of 900 gallon

    19" lince catfish, I got it together with Chen from Oliver. I enjoy this fish the most besides red aro, very active and not aggressive at all. it never touch stingray pups. this is probably the most difficult fish to get.
  10. H

    Jan 2014 Update

    I guess time flies, I thought it's only three yrs, but being fifth now
  11. H

    two pair BDleo pups

    Price at $1200
  12. H

    third year of 900 gallon

    They all get along, I feed them sinking pellets.
  13. H

    third year of 900 gallon

  14. H

    two pair BDleo pups

    male 5.5" "][/URL] female 5" "] [/URL] "][/URL] this pair has bigger marking and alittle more expensive.
  15. H

    two pair BDleo pups

    Many ppl inquire about shipping, the broker is charging me around $250 for shipping and handling, so I prefer to sell them within GTA. I will soon post picture of available pair. This pair was original list $1350 due to better quality.
  16. H

    New Addiction... LOL. The Dark Side.

    They aren't harmful
  17. H

    two pair BDleo pups

    One pair sold. PM if anyone interest in my second pair