Search results

  1. L

    Late summer - early fall 2010 aro order

    I know why you are so happy....
  2. L

    has anyone seen this before?

    I stumbled upon this, Im sure someone here has seen it. Its a bit long...
  3. L

    Welcome Flyfish Import

    congratulations, nice to see another sponsor on the forum
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    FS - Endlicheri bichirs

    I'm down sizing so these fish gotta go. 5 x 4.5-5" endlicheri bichirs for sale $25 each or take all five for $110 pm me if you are interested
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    My fish :)

    definately a nice piece, I had the oppertunity to see it in person
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    australian lungfish part 2?

    why wait until the fall....if we have enough heads then the order will go through please pm me if you are interested
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    nikon camera

    I will, once I get a lens mike! lens aint cheap haha I could buy another aro...
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    nikon camera

    Just got myself a nikon D90 (body only) looking for a lens to go with it, something I can take good shots of my fish, and everything else....
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    SR Update - Video

    nice red B! when was it chipped? I got one similar to your size....
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    australian lungfish part 2?

    After seeing Theo's lungfish, I want one too! With Theo's help I would like to organize another groupbuy anyone on here interested in getting an Australian Lung fish? Please pm for pricing and let me know if you are interested Derek
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    aussie lungfish group buy

    anyone on here interested in getting an Australian Lung fish? I want to set up a group buy soon. Please let me know if you are interested Derek
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    want to start keeping arowana

    if you bought it, then you bought it but I would go atleast 24" width
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    Thai Fish Catalogue

    these guys are great, Ive ordered from them before with no problems!
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    Organizing group buys and doing home retail

    count me in Theo since we've been doing this already... more contacts = more fish and that would lead to $ paying off the hobby!
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    want to start keeping arowana

    you would need a bigger tank if you decide on keeping all 3
  16. L

    anyone using or heard of.....

    wow thats if I can get it for $350 with controller then it would be worth it?
  17. L

    anyone using or heard of.....

    how much did you pick it up for?