Search results

  1. J

    In need of big fish shipping supplies, can anyone help?!

    It's time for me to finally throw in the towel for awhile. That last couple years have been too hectic to worry about fish, and my collection has boiled down to one very large fish. I have finally decided to sell him, and found a buyer, but need some shipping supplies, and I'm not looking for...
  2. J

    Channa barca

    Hey, I have had quite a few inquiries about the barca recently. I assume it is because people are now realizing Channa can no longer be legally imported. I am still open to selling him. However it would have to be for the right price and right person. It is unlikely I will sell for any...
  3. J

    2' Channa barca

    Hey guys, Considering selling my Channa barca again. So hard to get now, even harder than before, especially at this size. He's almost 2' long and really putting on some mass. He's feeding daily on massivore pellets and crickets. Perfect in every way, not a mark on him. Only considering...
  4. J

    Channa Barca priced to sell...

    Hey, My tank leaked, and water leaked into the condo below me, and while I'm not sure what the final outcome will be, I have a wild feeling this will result with me having to give up my fish tank. I got away with no big upsets for 4 years now, but the streak is over in a bad way. If...
  5. J

    Existence of Sp. Xingu in Canada..

    Hey guys, Been a long time since I've been part of the ray community. I have decided in the future I have no interest doing it unless I can do it the way I really want to. And one of the species I want to work with again is sp, Xingu. So I'm wonder what happen to the dozen or so that came...
  6. J

    Better video of the Barca community

    I made some changes, I hope you enjoy! Justin Morash
  7. J

    Shotty iphone video of the 120!

    Hey, I apologize for the quality, but I just did it quick with my iPhone this morning. This is my 120 which houses a 20-22" Channa barca, a few 8"-12" Bala Sharks, four clown loaches (5"-11"), two trachycorystes catfish (10"), a single Synodontis cf. decorus (9"), and then a big gibbiceps...
  8. J

    Hello old friends... It's been a while..

    Hey, Lots of people have been asking me what happened to me over the past year.. Well, I didn't die... I decided to get out of the hobby when I moved to a smaller place because I couldn't have as many/as big of fish tanks. Since I couldn't really do it how I wanted to, I didn't want to do it...
  9. J

    Channa Barca - 20" +

    Hey guys, Entertaining offers for my Channa Barca. Amazing fish, super rare in Canada only a handful here (like maybe 4 or 5). No set price, I paid $3000 for it when it was 14". Not expecting to get quite that much, but I won't even respond to ridiculous low balls. Not looking to heckle...
  10. J

    Support Movember through Arowanaclub Canada!

    Hey guys, I would like to thank everyone who has already shown their support and donated to this great cause, or joined in the fun and started growing a stash and fundraising on your own accord. To promote the cause and to add an extra incentive to donating to this cause Bret of Shine...
  11. J

    It's that time of year again!

    Hey guys, It's that time of year again! Yes, that's right... Movember! Time for us guys to grow out our stashes to raise awareness and funds for men's health issues, particularly prostate cancer. For the past three years I have shown my support by growing a moustache, however this will...
  12. J

    Just for fun... What are YOUR thoughts?

    Hey guys, As many of you know (or don't know), I have pretty much stepped out of the hobby for the past 6-8 month, while finishing up my degree and preparing for some travels. Although I only have one tank with one fish, my head has still been in the game. Recently I have been getting more...
  13. J

    Earth eaters, SA cichlids, myleus, etc

    Hey, I am moving soon, and then in 5 months time I'll be out of the country for almost a year so there is really no point of holding onto these guys. I didn't think anyone out of province would want to ship these in but I figured I would give it a try. First off are my Geos. I currently...
  14. J

    LF - Wild Central American cichlids

    Hey, Thinking about getting back into CA cichlids, my tanks are dominated by earth eaters, pikes and uarus right now and I want something a little different. I'm particularly looking for salvini, wild veija, paratheraps, etc. If anyone has any wild CA cichlids or knows where I can...
  15. J

    Possibly going to BC in May-June.. Need some help.

    Hey Guys, It looks like my plans to go on a surf trip down south might be a bust (waited on people to confirm and then flights went through the roof). So I was searching out some other trips to go on, and found some very cheap flights to BC. So I was thinking I could go there and spend...
  16. J

    Guyana Red Hoplias Aimara

    Hey, I need to sell my aimara. I have no interest in committing another big tank to a solo predatory fish. I have had this guy for a year now. I got him at 5-6" and now he's about 10-11". I have grown him out pretty slow so that I wouldn't wash out his colour. He could probably be close to...
  17. J

    Fish for sale

    Here's what I have that I would like to move: 12" - Indo dat - $300 - Very stable 6" - Indo dat - $80 - Very stable 1.1 pair of Hoplarchus Psittacus. Bonded pair, bred for me in the past. Male is 12" and perfect, female is 8"-9" and takes the typical beatings from the male, but is other...
  18. J

    My 240

    I was of course avoiding studying tonight. So I took some pictures! Red Hook Myleus – Extremely hard fish to photograph Geophagus Dicrozoster Indo dat Trachycorsytes 240 FTS Stock list is as follows: - 1.1 Hoplarchus Psittacus - 3 x Indo Dats - 5 x Red Hooked...
  19. J

    Albino Lung

    Hey, I was in there around the end of August and saw an Albino Lungfish. I was wondering if it was still there? If so, does anyone know the price? Thanks, JMorash
  20. J

    Hoplias Aimara - Cheap

    I need this guy gone. Power bill is much too high so I'm tearing down some tanks. He's the red guyana variant. 9"-10" in length. Perfect in everyway. Pictures come soon. $400 + shipping. Located in Halifax. Thanks, Justin Morash