2 female pups

i was on the same boat last yr! was in asia for almost 7 weeks. all i could think of is my prego ray at home lol. she gave birth 1 week after i got back. she was overdue for a month! i guess she wanted to wait for my return lol

well thats good to know! lol was starting to think i had a problem lol
Well, my female Leo seems normal so far, I have feed her today too.

i think mine just had a lot of stress she had the 2 pups then a day after she had a couple pellets and then today when my friend was over he saw her in the middle of birthing a still born. congrats btw 4 pups!!
Congrats Glen. Glad all worked out.y female Motoro finally had her pups too on Thursday - 120+ days after her last ones.
Congrats Glen, Those are some sweet looking pups and glad you got to be there it. It's to bad about the third one though, I thought your girl deffintly had more than two :)
Congrats Glen, Those are some sweet looking pups and glad you got to be there it. It's to bad about the third one though, I thought your girl deffintly had more than two :)

thanks lyder, i thought for sure she had more then two i kept seeing movements on both sides at the same time.
its been 4 days since my female had her pups and my friend called me yesterday and said shes still not eating. is this normal guys? i have a divider in the tank so she has been by herself the whole time. also my friend told me that only one pup ate so far but the other one doesnt seem interested in eating?? any suggestions?
my female ate better once i took the divider out. its weird. she seemed "lonely" and "depressed" by herself. when i took out the divider and introduced her back to the male, she started to compete for food and became more active. that was my experience. you can try that! for the pup, you can try blackworms if you havent done so already. if its only been 4 days, its not too bad if the pup is still fat. id worry after a week.
also, the pup has to produce waste before he or she eats. with my pups, they didnt eat until they excreted waste for the first time. it gets their system going and after, they will feel hungry and feed. you can try doing a water change. this usually helps to get them to excrete waste. my rays always do after a wc lol
its been 4 days since my female had her pups and my friend called me yesterday and said shes still not eating. is this normal guys? i have a divider in the tank so she has been by herself the whole time. also my friend told me that only one pup ate so far but the other one doesnt seem interested in eating?? any suggestions?

Try live black worms - baby rays can't refuse them. Then soak the new food that you want to change them too in with the worms. Don't feed them too long on the black worms as they can sometimes give you a hard time switching over. Has worked for my pups.
hey guys my friend already tried the blackworms and one ate just not the other! as for the divider im going to take that out as soon as i get back just hoping for the best right now since im not physically there!
hey guys my friend already tried the blackworms and one ate just not the other! as for the divider im going to take that out as soon as i get back just hoping for the best right now since im not physically there!

Sometimes pups don't eat for a week. They consume the yolk sac for the first few days. I wouldn't be to concerned yet. My last batch of motoros didn't eat until about day 7 or 8. Cut up dew worms worked every time for me.