366 gallon tank build by : Titan aquatics

mr ry

i decided to get a tank made ... so after looking online i decided to go with Titan Aquatics they are great to work with. Here is the start of my tank build these are the first pictures i received from them.:) The dimensions of the tank are 42d x 28h x 72l


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thank you and yeah i like the depth as well gives my aro way more room to swim and my Red Terrors wont be so aggressive
Looks great. What are you planning for overflows?

i never did a overflow but with the amount of holes i put in it i can still make a sump out of it.... im actually thinking of running a few FX5 or 6's or else if i dont like that i may roll into a actual pond filter kinda undecided atm and im also having trouble deciding on wether to go with sand or gravel
yea...a tank that size I'd go with a sump as it will cut back your maintenance time by a lot!!! especially if you were planning on using a few fx5's.
yea...a tank that size I'd go with a sump as it will cut back your maintenance time by a lot!!! especially if you were planning on using a few fx5's.

Okay so after looking online I've found sumps that pump up to 1300gph so far I havnt looked into industrial ones but two fluval fx5 the flow rate is 800 gph and that's with them packed right... Also I always have the ability to do a sump if it doesn't work.... It doesn't have a overflow on it
Okay so after looking online I've found sumps that pump up to 1300gph so far I havnt looked into industrial ones but two fluval fx5 the flow rate is 800 gph and that's with them packed right... Also I always have the ability to do a sump if it doesn't work.... It doesn't have a overflow on it

If the Fx's don't work out to your satisfaction....add a sump to the mix....
Just looking into the fx5 as that number seemed a bit high, and the gph is rated at:
http://www.hagen.com/pdf/aquatic/FX5_user_manual_EN.pdf page en-4
as 607 g/h *
* Note Flow rates were measured with intake and output hoses of the same length and without media.

So not sure what it would be packed with media and what amount of head distance they were measuring at.

There are many sump pumps that do a lot more than 1300 gph, but again head distance must be taken into consideration. I have a mag 18 and I think I am getting maybe around 1300gph out of it. But I got it for $75, and the sump was all in for maybe $200?

I guess it depends on what you want, and if you already have the fx's already too. If you are set on canisters then that would be the route for you to go but there isn't a reason I could see other than space restrictions or personal preference not to go with a sump?

Either way looking forward to the final product.
I guess it depends on what you want, and if you already have the fx's already too. If you are set on canisters then that would be the route for you to go but there isn't a reason I could see other than space restrictions or personal preference not to go with a sump?

Either way looking forward to the final product.

Well ive always used them cuz my bedroom is very close to this tank and the stand has no shell to it.... i can always do a syphon sump if its not sufficient enough are the sump pumps loud? i do have a pump to do my water changes and its pretty loud just wondering
That makes sense then as my first sump was a bit loud even in a stand. Right now I made my own stand and still haven't put the doors on it but it is quieter than the fluval 304 I was running on the tank.

I think with pumps you get what you pay for in most instances, my mag drive is really quiet but others have said it is loud compared to other pumps. I think my next purchase will be one of the dc pumps as they are variable and supposedly even quieter than most pumps on the market today.

I am sure that there are ways to reduce the noise as well from sumps as lots of people run them right in their living rooms without huge issues.
looks great, super jealous. So arowana, some red terrors, any other plans for stocking? How many red terrors do you have?
well i have 7 red terrors a black knife fish and a loggerhead musk turtle in my 200 and in my 75 i have a texas and a cuban cichlid with 2 ornate bichirs.... they will all be sharing this massive tank .... would love to do some rays but the turtles claws may tear em up...