Arowana tiger conflict


New Member
Need advice on a new aro big tiger com

In the past I have seen many big ST being sold because of fights with aros

Is it normally the tiger that starts the fight or the Aro

I'm thinking of putting a large aro pair in with my big ST so was wondering the chances of problems

The aros are a 100% pair with no fighting for 8 months they are very big 30inch+

The aros will be being moved to the STs tank

I know each fish is different and maybe a pair maybe more aggressive

Any info would be great Before I take this risk
For me i find 50/50.

Aro will start to swim beside st and show dominence and after a while swims away. St on the other hand will wait until aro swims past and chases/nips its tail fin. Often causing torn tail fins.

My st and aro has been together for years and its still the same. Im glad either or the 2 goes overboard and tries to hurt each other. More less just tries to show whos boss. Funny part is they still cant figure it out lol

Its all trial and error with any predatory fish. We just have to wish for the best.
i've seen tigers pop eye outta aros and rays

i've seen tigers cause drop eye in over night

no joking around here folks

be very very careful when u mix big tigers with aros and rays

just sharing my own experience
You are making me feel safer now

Right now my 24inch ST is with a 28inch red some months the aro is boss and other months the ST is boss
When the ST is boss the aro just won't eat much when the aro is boss well nothing stops the ST eating :D

I know for a fact my ST is aro safe as he has been kept in with over 15 different aros in the 8 years I have had him and he's been with the aro I have now for 4 years

My goal has always been to get a sexed pair of aros
I now have the chance to get a very high grade large 34 inch pair of reds they are the largest I have seen outside of Asia with a lot of body mass

They are def a pair and have been swimming side by side for a few months now

My main worry was they would beat up my ST but from what you guys say it's the aros that will be more at risk
Which makes me feel a bit safer as my ST is no bully even when pushed around by my aro he never does any damage apart from a split fin

Would you guys take the risk

And why do you say be careful with rays I have never had a problem with aros even a comm of 12 with rays

I am also fairly sure reds are less agressive than xback or rtg which is why people have more luck with red comm
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I would said you should be fine as your tank is big enough for both fish. Only small tank that having more problem as there is no room to swim away, and yes fining a pair is pretty rare too but only if you intend to breed them other then that it just like an aro comm.
My issue was always with aro beating up on the tiger. I think it really does depend on the personality of the aro, though. Space is obviously key, but youve got that covered.
That is a nice pair and color as well. Aro will take a lot to get damage but ST you will see it right a way as their skin is not as tough as aro but then both fish is all big so it is not a problem. More like they are mature enough to know not to bully :).
If it was me, I would want a "plan B" in place and ready to go at a moment's notice. Perhaps have a stand alone tank all ready for either the ST or aro if problems develop? If it doesn't work out, what would you do with the aro longer term?
that would need a 72x30x30 tank just on stand by :D

i have always been one to let it roll and normally things work themselfs out

take my female p14 now most people would be crapping there pants if this happened to one of there rays but i let it roll


things can get very aggressive in a mixed comm tank and unless you let it roll mainly with rays they will never breed if you pull out the male or female at the 1st sign of bites

this female is now preg and the male is leaving her alone

the same can be said with a aro comm if you start pulling aros out at the first sign of chasing or split fins then you will never get it to work

a time to step in is when one stops feeding the above female p14 was still feeding great so why mover her

its a bit different with large aros and big tigers as my aro goes on hunger stripe after feeding well for 2 months then may stop feeding for a few weeks

the same can be said for my ST he also stops feeding every now and then

you need to let it roll for min 6 months and see what happens