New Member
Need advice on a new aro big tiger com
In the past I have seen many big ST being sold because of fights with aros
Is it normally the tiger that starts the fight or the Aro
I'm thinking of putting a large aro pair in with my big ST so was wondering the chances of problems
The aros are a 100% pair with no fighting for 8 months they are very big 30inch+
The aros will be being moved to the STs tank
I know each fish is different and maybe a pair maybe more aggressive
Any info would be great Before I take this risk
In the past I have seen many big ST being sold because of fights with aros
Is it normally the tiger that starts the fight or the Aro
I'm thinking of putting a large aro pair in with my big ST so was wondering the chances of problems
The aros are a 100% pair with no fighting for 8 months they are very big 30inch+
The aros will be being moved to the STs tank
I know each fish is different and maybe a pair maybe more aggressive
Any info would be great Before I take this risk